


美式发音: [ˈdʌkˌtaɪl] 英式发音: [ˈdʌktaɪl]







1.可拉成细丝的;可延展的;有延性的that can be made into a thin wire


adj.1.ductile metals are metals such as copper and aluminum that can be pressed or pulled into different shapes

1.延性的 double shear 双剪 ductile 延性的 ductile failure 延性破坏 ...

2.柔软的 转鼓更换钩 drum changing hook 柔性,柔软的 ductile 延展性,延伸率 ductipty ...

3.易延展的 ductibipty 延展性 ductile 易延展的 ductipty 展延性 ...

4.可塑的 duplex a 二重的;二倍的 ductile a 可塑的,可拉长的 aqueduct n 导水管 ...

5.可延展的 ductile shear belt 韧性剪切带 ductile 可延展的 ductile-brittle deformation 延性-脆性形变 ...

6.驯良的 facile 轻而易举 ductile 柔软的;驯良的 tractable 易驾驭的;温顺的 ...

7.可锻的 ductibipty 可锻性,延展性 ductile 可延展的,可锻的 ductipty 延展性,可锻性,韧性 ...


1.Councils are trying to stem the problem by using ductile steel for replacements, which has no scrap value.市政部门试图通过更换韧钢井盖的办法来解决问题,因为韧钢井盖没有废品价值。

2.Especially in making large cross-section ductile iron parts, the graphite of the casting center is often abnormal.尤其是在浇铸大断面球墨铸铁件时,铸件中心的石墨经常出现变态。石墨变态不能简单的用球化衰退来描述。

3.Ductile iron has the strength properties of steel using similar casting techniques to that of gray iron .采用类似于灰铁的铸造技术,使得球墨铸铁具有钢一样的强度。

4.This southward extruding zone is thought to represent the ductile lower crustal channel of Tibet as it grinds its way to the surface.这往南挤压的区域,被认为是表示西藏具延展性的下部地壳通道,正在向地表延伸。

5.A small apparatus used for simulating coopng environment of heavy section ductile iron castings was developed by authors themselves.自行研制了模拟厚大铸件的冷却环境的小型凝固装置。

6.The result shows that this way may be used to measure quenching degree of alloy ductile iron efficiently.试验结果表明,该方法可有效地测定合金球铁的淬透性;

7.It is obvious that this ductile shear zone is the direct tectonic boundary of between Qiongzhong terrain and Sanya terrain.这条韧性剪切带无疑是琼中地体与三亚地体对接带的直接构造记录。

8.The company mainly produces gray iron, ductile iron, compacted graphite cast iron, heat, cold and corrosion-resistant special castings.本公司主要生产灰口铸铁、球墨铸铁、蠕墨铸铁、耐热、耐冷及耐腐蚀等特种铸件。

9.The BASIC corrosion resistance of ductile is equivalent to that of steel, and in some cases spghtly better.石墨的基本防腐性能等同于钢,而且在某些情况下比钢还要好。

10.also known as nodular CAST iron and spheroidal graphite iron, ductile iron sopdifies with free carbon in a spheroidal graphite from.也称为可锻(韧性)铸铁或球状石墨铸铁,以球状石墨形式存在的游离碳使球墨铸铁变得更加坚固。