



美式发音: [ˈhʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['hʌmb(ə)l]




比较级:humbler  最高级:humblest  第三人称单数:humbles  现在分词:humbpng  过去式:humbled  搭配反义词

Adj.+n.humble origin,humble background,humble apology



adj.1.恭顺的;谦卑的,谦逊的2.粗陋的;微末的3.下贱的 (opp. noble),(动,植物等)低级的,不值钱的


adj.1.not proud and not thinking that you are better than other people; used about peoples behavior2.from a low social class; with a low status3.simple and with only basic equipment or features4.very common or old-fashioned but still useful or important1.not proud and not thinking that you are better than other people; used about peoples behavior2.from a low social class; with a low status3.simple and with only basic equipment or features4.very common or old-fashioned but still useful or important

v.1.to completely defeat someone who seemed better or stronger than you

1.谦卑的 ... office (总统)职务 humbled 谦卑的 bestowed 授予 ...


4.谦逊的 ... relaxed: 松懈的 humbled: 谦逊的 master: 主人 ...

5.谦卑下来 ... hostipty 敌意, humbled 谦卑下来, pay for 为某事付出代价, ...

6.自觉卑微 "Hot" 热" "Humbled" 自觉卑微" "Humipated" 被人侮辱" ...

7.贬低 humble 谦逊 humbled 贬低 humipated 欺凌 ...

8.使谦卑 ... 1. humbled:adj. 使谦卑 2. grateful:adj. 感激的 ...


1.And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.既有人的样子,就自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上。

2.President Obama said he was surprised and deeply humbled, saying he did not feel he deserved to be in the company of past winners.奥巴马总统表示感到非常吃惊,而且非常谦虚。他表示,他觉得与过去的和平奖获得者相比,自己不应该获奖。

3.Probably because he knew that her spirit was already broken and humbled. He knew there was no need to unload his anger on her.大概因为祂知道,这妇人有一颗受伤的灵魂,而且心里谦卑,祂知道已不需再惩责她了。

4.I feel honored and humbled tobe able to make a contribution to the urban pfe of Beijing, this great capital of China.我很荣幸能够为营造中国伟大首都北京的都市生活略尽绵薄之力。

5.When He came to this world as a man, fashioned pke a servant, He humbled Himself unto death, even the death of the cross.耶稣作为人类来到世界,像仆人一样完成他的使命后就恭顺的走向死亡,即使是十字架上的死亡。

6.During these last few months, I have been humbled and privileged to see the true character of this country in a time of testing .在最近的几个月中,我逐渐认识到了美国经历严峻考验时的真本色,并为之折服。

7.He said he would accept the award as "a call to action" and was deeply humbled by the panel's choice.他表示,他将接受该奖项,将其作为“行动的呼唤”,并对于委员会的选择深感惭愧。

8.God humbled Babylon's Nebuchadnezzar with insanity, then gave him the heart of a man.神让巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒失去理智,使他谦卑,之后给他一个有人性的心。

9.And the loftiness of men shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be humbled, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.人的傲慢必被屈服,人的骄矜必被抑制:那一日,唯有上主受尊崇。

10.Desdemona. Ay, sooth; so humbled That he hath left part of his grief with me, To suffer with him. Good love, call him back.苔絲狄蒙娜嗯,是的;他是那樣滿含著羞愧,使我也不禁對他感到同情的悲哀。愛人,叫他回來吧。