


美式发音: [ˈhʌŋɡərɪ] 英式发音: ['hʌŋɡərɪ]





n.1.[Country]located in Central Europe

1.匈牙利 Hong Kong( 中国香港特别行政区) Hungary( 匈牙利) Iceland( 冰岛) ...

2.匈牙利共和国 洪都拉斯共和国 Honduras 匈牙利共和国 Hungary 冰岛共和国 Iceland ...

3.布达佩斯 Greece 雅典 Hungary 布达佩斯 Iceland 雷克雅未克 ...

4.匈牙利国庆日 马耳他国庆日 MALTA 匈牙利国庆日 HUNGARY 塞内加尔独立日 SENEGAL ...

5.匈牙利音效 ... 55:Footsteps I( 脚步音效) 59:Hungary( 匈牙利音效) BBC 06:Animals & Birds( 动物与鸟类音效) ...

6.今匈牙利 今新西兰南部( South New Zealand) 今匈牙利Hungary) 今土耳其( Turkey…

7.匈亚利 GUYANA 圭亚那 HUNGARY 匈亚利 HAITI 海地 ...


1.I wondered if this might be at least in part a result of superior schoopng he'd received in Hungary.我不知道是不是部分因为他曾在匈牙利受到过良好教育。

2.He said that at the time of the Soviet Union's invasion of Hungary in 1956 or Czechoslovakia in 1968, there was no Russian stock market.他表示,苏联1956年入侵匈牙利或1968年入侵捷克斯洛伐克时,俄罗斯还没有股市。

3.Which city will you study in Hungary? And how much do you know about it?你将在匈牙利的哪个城市学习?你对它了解多少?

4.The fledgpng kingdoms of Poland and Hungary to the southwest are just as well placed to move and assume control of the Russian capital.西南方面,波兰和匈牙利作为新兴的王国,对俄罗斯的古老首都虎视眈眈。

5.There was a bit of good fortune involved in Hungary but they still deserved the win.也许他们在匈牙利是有一些好运,但胜利仍然是他们应得的。

6.It's great. I'm enjoying it a lot. It's very different from Hungary, but I'm slowly adapting.非常棒。我非常喜欢这里。这里和匈牙利的差别很大,但是我在慢慢地适应。

7.Mr Thorpe and his wife decided they wanted their children born at home: a normal procedure in western Europe but illegal in Hungary.Thorpe夫妇决定在家分娩:这在西欧相当寻常的事情在匈牙利却是违法的。

8."Romania and Hungary are certainly more fiscally irresponsible than if they had not been members of the EU, " Mr Booth says.布斯表示:“倘若不能加入欧盟,罗马尼亚和匈牙利肯定会在财政上更负责任。”

9.Miss Plastic Hungary is a Hungarian beauty pageant that requires that it's contestants have undergone some sort of major cosmetic surgery.匈牙利整容小姐是匈牙利的一个选美比赛,比赛要求参赛者做过某些大型的整容手术。

10.Hungary came out with positive comments over the weekend.周末匈牙利发表了积极言论。