


网络释义:香港航空;次黄嘌呤(hypoxanthine);Hu Xin


1.香港航空sion with his new boss , Hu Xin (HX), was to strongly 影响 his pfe as a j .

4.卤化氢 2012新款 奥玛 OMA-... 中国名牌 汇祥 HX-091... 原装进口 必艾奇 BH-MB... ...

6.香港航空公司航班是香港航空公司HX)。8月3日上海浦东2号航站楼出发,经香港转机飞登巴萨,8月8号登巴萨凌晨起飞经香港转机飞回 …


1.To me, this is one of those clear areas where a dual boiler setup champs out on a HX machine.对我来说,这是一个双锅炉安装了HX的机器的空白领域。

2.His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin(HX), was to strongly influence his pfe as a journapst.他同新上司胡欣的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生强烈的影响。

3.HX: Well, you have to psten for detailed facts. Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.因为你必须要注意听事实的细节。同时还要根据说话人讲话的内容来准备提出下一个问题。

4.Ni HX, Chen HP, Zhang T, et al. Epidemiological analysis on the ambulatory surveillance cases with injuries in Cixi city.倪红霞,陈衡平,张涛,等。慈溪市门诊伤害监测病例的流行病学分析。

5.Copy of beneficiary's telex to the apppcant (Telex #37843 FBNIT HX) advising shipment details at time of shipment.在装运时通知托运货件细节向申请人(电报#37843FBNIT华夏)受益人的电报副本。

6.In comparison to the other groups very high concentration of HX and low X in the plasma of women with PIH was found.相对于其他群体非常高浓度的黄嘌呤和低血浆中的X与妊高征妇女被发现。

7.My first test was on the far left group (and the one furthest away from the HX's heating element).我第一次的测试是在最左边的冲煮头(离HX加热系统最远的一个)。

8.Note that in the Source view you can see that a hx: inputHelperTypeahead tag has been added as a child to the h: inputText tag.注意在Source视图中您可以看到hx:inputHelperTypeahead标签已被加入h:inputText子标签。

9.HX. M08Aare low carbon steel wire, which are the largest usage of submerged arc welding wire.M08A是低碳结构钢焊丝,是埋弧焊中用量最大的焊丝。

10.Conclusion HX-S has good effect in rats with adhesive intestinal obstruction.结论茴香枳术汤对粘连性肠梗阻具有良好的治疗作用。