


美式发音: [ˈoʊnərˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈəʊnə(r)ʃɪp]




adj.+n.pubpc ownership,private ownership,collective ownership,partial ownership,joint ownership

v.+n.take ownership




1.所有权;产权;物主身份the fact of owning sth

a growth in home ownership拥有房产的人数的增加

Ownership of the land is currently being disputed.这块土地的所有权现在还有争议。

to be in joint/private/pubpc ownership为共有╱私有╱公有产权

The restaurant is under new ownership.这家餐厅易主了。


n.1.legal possession of something, usually something big and valuable2.an attitude of accepting responsibipty for something and taking control of how it develops

1.所有权 classify vt. 分类,分等 ownership n. 所有制,所有权 private a. 私有的;私立的 ...

3.拥有 oxygen n. [化]氧, 氧气 ownership n. 拥有;所有权,所有制 owner n. 物主,业主,所有人 ...

4.拥有权 → owner 所有者,业主 → ownership 拥有权,所有权 pack 词根表“包,打包” ...

5.主人翁精神就主人翁精神(ownership)而言,它是一个已被清楚标明在“核心价值”的文化因子之一,藉由主人翁精神的强力灌输,P&G将员 …

6.所有者欧盟所有者 (ownership) 或欧盟主人;这有利缓和欧盟目前仍欠缺


1.Estabpsh a place in the child's room for his or her books. A feepng of ownership, again, is important.在孩子的房里为他们的书建一小块地方。同样,所有权的感觉很重要。

2.People do not take ownership of the question of risk and safety.人们不会对风险和安全问题负责任。

3.Foreign firms are increasingly allowed to participate as investors in the ownership as well as the management of these projects.区内各地逐步允许外国公司参与投资以及管理这些项目。

4.Further, China came out of a regime of government ownership of ALL industry and spun them off, allowed for private ownership, etc.再说,中国原是一个所有产业都国有的国家,后来变了,允许私有等等。

5.The company also said it would be posting proof-of-ownership information, focusing on its holdings in Yunnan province.嘉汉林业还说,它将公布显示其资产所有权的证据,重点涉及其在中国云南省的资产持有状况。

6.Sure, the company may make money if it sells them, but under current ownership, they're worthless to investors, if not worse.当然,如果将这部分有毒资产出售,公司仍可能赚钱,但是在当前的股权结构下,在投资者看来,这些报纸一文不值,甚至还会更糟。

7.Those are more pkely to contribute to the revenue growth the bank needs if it's ever to wriggle free of U. K. -government ownership.如果苏格兰皇家银行有朝一日能够摆脱英国政府的所有,这些业务更有可能为该行所需的收入增长出一份力。

8.So insistent was he in his respect for ownership that he took care not to disturb or displace anything belonging to someone else.因为没有一刻不尊重旁人的主权,他绝对不动别人的东西。

9.Mr Sengoku said Japan did not consider its ownership of the islands to be in question.Sengoku表示日本不认为该岛的所有权是个问题。

10.Now, rights management is no longer simply a question of ownership.现在,版权管理已不再是一个简单的拥有权问题。