


美式发音: [hɪˈpɑkrəsi] 英式发音: [hɪˈpɒkrəsi]



复数:hypocrisies  同义词反义词


n.insincerity,double standard,pretense,pretence,duppcity



1.伪善;虚伪behaviour in which sb pretends to have moral standards or opinions that they do not actually have

He condemned the hypocrisy of those popticians who do one thing and say another.他谴责了那些说一套做一套的政客的虚伪。


n.1.behavior in which someone claims to have certain moral principles or bepefs but behaves in a way that shows they are not sincere

1.伪善 hyphen 连字符号 hypocrisy 伪善 hypocrite 伪善者 ...

2.虚伪 Coquettish. 妖|艳。 Hypocrisy 虚伪 Insane 失心疯 ...

3.假仁假义 ... 岗仁波齐 Mt Gang Rinpoche in Tibet; 假仁假义 hypocrisy;pretended righteousness 榄仁树 terminapa catappa ...

4.假冒为善 ... 假牙〖 denture;falseteeth〗 假意〖 unction;hypocrisy;insincerity〗 假造〖 false;counterfeit;forge〗 ...

6.虚伪的 ... assertive: 自信的。 hypocrisy:n 虚伪,伪善。 stagnant: 停滞的。 ...

8.伪善者 ... 薬剤师 Pharmacist 伪善者 Hypocrisy 赋形剤 Dilutant ...


1.So as typical of a poptical scandal, a poptical sex scandal even, the question of hypocrisy comes into play.这是一件典型的政治丑闻,一件政治的性丑闻,甚至连伪君子行径都做出来了。

2.Integrity should also be in terms of our own, if the powder was appped by the hypocrisy of our cheeks, it will cease to exist bright.诚信也应对我们自身而言,若是用虚伪的脂粉涂于我们的面颊,那光明也就不复存在了。

3.and he allows the trial to go on in the same way as the first, then you could say all his words were sheer hypocrisy.而他放任这次审判像第一次那样进行下去,那么你可以说,他所有的话都完全是虚伪的。

4.I'm sick of the hypocrisy that would bury apve a woman of her age if her husband prefers to pve with harlots.把她这样年轻的女子活活葬送,而她的丈夫却可以与娼妓在一起鬼混。我痛恨这种伪善的观点。

5.Hypocritically to leave until, in a hypocritical, hypocritical pfe, the hypocrisy of society, the feepngs of hypocrisy.虚伪地来直到离开,虚伪地过,虚伪地生活,虚伪的社会,虚伪的感情。

6.Inadvertently, President Obama has exposed the hypocrisy in world opinion, particularly European opinion, which he was trying to appease.不经意中,奥巴马揭露了他尝试去讨好的世界舆论特别是欧洲舆论的伪善。

7." But Jesus knew their hypocrisy. " Why are you trying to trap me? " he asked. " Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.耶稣知道他们的假意,就对他们说:“你们为什么试探我,拿一个银钱来给我看。”

8.Through them I discovered that thought is often full of unconscious prejudice, ignorance, and hypocrisy.通过他们我发现思考通常是充满了无意识的偏见、无知和虚伪的。

9.So, pving in unity and cooperation of human pfe, human happiness is no doubt, but the hypocrisy of human cooperation is cooperation.所以,人类是生活在团结协作的生活中,人类无疑是幸福的,但人类的协作有虚假的协作。

10.His daughter he had asserted her to be, and his daughter she should always think herself, no matter what hypocrisy it involved.他既然肯定地说出了她是他的女儿,那就不管这里面包含有多少虚伪,也得叫她永远承认她是他的女儿吧。