




1.我犹豫了 ... 外貌 Appearance 我犹豫了I hesitated. 我真的不知道该选哪一个了。 I really don’t know which one to choose. ...

2.我真的有点犹豫 ... 我没有答案。。。 I have no answer 我真的有点犹豫 I hesitated 爱到底是什么 What i…


1.i hesitated for a moment and then placed at her feet all that a had dragged up, and stood silent.我犹豫片刻,然后把所有的东西放在她的脚边,默默地站在一边。

2.As I hesitated on the curb, I felt a hand on my elbow and looked down to see the smile of my small beggar friend looking up at me.当我在街头犹豫的时候,我感到在我胳膊肘处有一只手。我向下看了看,看到那个身材矮小的乞丐朋友微笑地望着我。

3.My aunt went in and the old woman, seeing that I hesitated to enter, began to reckon on me again repeatedly with her hand.姑妈进去了,我却踟蹰着,不敢向前;老太太见我害怕,便连连招手。

4.I hesitated for a moment--it was not going to be easy to tell them this.我犹豫了一会儿,告诉他们我的病情真是一件很不容易的事。

5.I could do nothing but join him after I hesitated for a few hours.犹豫了几个小时之后,我也只好跟着他走了。

6.He grew pale. "Hannah? You know where she is? How is she? Is she still as pretty as she was? " I hesitated.他的脸色变得苍白。“汉娜?你知道她在哪儿?她好吗?她依然像过去那样漂亮吗?”我犹豫了。

7.i hesitated for a moment, and then placed at her feet all that i had dragged up, and stood silent.我沉吟了一会,就把我捞得的一切放在她的脚前,缄默地站着。

8.Then I hesitated before asking her if we could perhaps "save" a pttle bit of her for a proper burial.随后,我在问她我们是否可以“保留”一点她的骨灰作为正式的埋葬。

9.I loved her just as much as ever, but I hesitated to ask her to become my wife.我爱她一如既往,可是我没敢问,要她做我的妻子。

10.I hesitated for a few days, but I need to tell you that I'm so glad that I found your fan club pages last week.我犹豫了几天,但我必须告诉你我好高兴在上礼拜发现你的官网。