




1.恋人 【11】正义( Justice,XI) 6、恋人 the Lovers 7、战车 the Chariot ...

2.情人 女巫布莱尔2:影子之书( Book of Shadows: 恋人们( The Lovers) 入殓师( Okuribito) ...

4.情侣 龚国荣 Gong Guorong 情侣 The lovers 余文清 Yu Wenqing ...

5.梁祝《梁祝》(the lovers)吴奇隆、杨采妮版[RMVB] 下载 2009-01-13 11:21:25| 分类: 默认分类 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 《芝加 …

6.爱人第一关、爱人The Lovers):Elwin跟随着由Shaera的父亲格莱明(Gramin)带领的探险队一起出海。一天晚上Elwin用小法 …

7.恋人牌在伟特牌的图像之中恋人牌(the lovers)站著疗癒天使拉斐尔主掌风的元素(代表上帝的第一口气息? 治疗人的身体和人的信仰)。 …

8.爱人们此外,他还曾于1953年凭爱人们(the Lovers)获得雨果最佳新人奖;1968年凭紫薪骑士(Riders of the Purple Wage)获雨果最佳 …


1.The lovers should give opposite side more caring. What else without it? Eating with you, shopping with you and after you dreary these?两个人相处应该是给对方足够的关心,除了这些呢,陪你吃饭,陪你逛街,如果这一切都厌倦了呢?

2.And the maker of the 'lovers' sculpture was one of these people.这件恋人雕塑的制造者,就是这些人类中的一员。

3.The ashes turned into a dense fog which the eagle could not cross. as it was getting dark, the witch could not follow the lovers any more.骨灰变成了浓雾的雄鹰不能交叉。因为它是越来越黑了,巫婆不能按照爱好者了。

4.Friends whose house the lovers met in recalled how Ava would scream at Frank and he would slam the door and storm downstairs.把房子借给这对情侣幽会的朋友回忆,艾娃朝弗兰克尖叫,他大声关门然后冲下楼梯。

5.says in an aside: a week after the Lovers from the United States long-distance phone calls.旁白:一周以后,祝英台从美国打来越洋电话。

6.Love does not need the most sincere commitment to a predestined fate of the lovers do not need any agreement can be together.最真诚的爱情不需要承诺,命中注定有缘分的情人不需要任何约定就能在一起。

7.A year later, Love also came to the United States, looking for the whereabouts of the Lovers.一年之后,梁山伯也来到了美国,四处寻找祝英台的下落。

8.Frequent working contacts, the two alternate admiration of the heart, the working relationship quickly "upgrade" to the lovers.频繁的工作接触中,两人互生倾慕之心,很快就由工作关系“升级”到了情人关系。

9.After Arthur discovered the love affair between Lancelot and his wife, the lovers fled to Lancelot 's castle.亚瑟王发现朗斯洛与妻子私通后,这对情人仓皇逃到朗斯洛的城堡。

10.The lovers swore to let nothing and nobody come between them.这对恋人发誓不让任何人、任何事物拆散他们。