




1.草莓 inferno- 地狱 ICHIGO- 二都物语 JUDGE 审判 ...

4.一号作战一九四四年夏天,日军在代号为「一号作战」( Ichigo)的攻势行动中,迅雷不及掩耳地进入河南,肃清平汉铁路沿线的日本占领 …


1.'Don't you-' And then Ichigo was falpng into a cold black void, the hollow's mocking laugh ringing in his ears.“你不要……”顷刻间,一护坠入冰冷黑暗的虚空,耳边回响着虚的笑声。

2.Ichigo pfted the hem of her shirt and she twitched a bit as the material brushed against the burn on her back.一护撩起她衬衫的褶边,布料摩擦过她背上的伤痕时,她微微动了动身子。

3.Rukia sat down cautiously, across from the hollow. "Ichigo didn't make you. " She said quietly.露琪亚小心翼翼的坐到虚的对面。“一护没有造出你来。”她平静的说。

4.Other activist funds facing resistance include Ichigo Asset Management, The Children's Investment Fund (TCI) and Dalton Investments.其他的积极主义投资面临阻力,包括草莓资产管理,儿童投资基金和爱建证券。

5.Inoue stares for a moment before seeing Ichigo. Then she ran to Kurosaki's side and grabs his cheeks with her shaky hands.织姬愣了一下,看到一护后跑到了他的身边,用她那抖着的双手摸着一护的脸颊。

6.Nell yells to Inoue who hesitates : ichigo fights for your sake , why are you afraid of him !妮尔对着正在犹豫的织姬大声地说:一护是为你而战斗,那你为什么害怕一护呢!

7.The left side of Ichigo's mask is beginning to crack.一护左则的面具开始破裂。

8.arihiko ' s elder sister ichigo answers the door , complaining that shiki woke her up.有彦的姐姐一子应了门,抱怨说志贵打搅她睡觉了。

9.Ichigo : Grimmjow you are a bad person. Thank you. From here it seems I can't really continue much longer so.一护:你是个坏人葛里姆桥,感谢你,到此看来我持续不了多久了。

10.It ran a hand through Ichigo's hair, and Rukia was shocked at how similar the gesture was to the one Ichigo made.它伸出一只手梳弄着一护的头发,露琪亚惊异的发现这个举动和一护是如此惊人的相似。