


美式发音: [ˈaɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɪd(ə)l]



复数:idylls  同义词反义词





1.(尤指乡下的)愉快恬静的地方(或事情、经历)a happy and peaceful place, event or experience, especially one connected with the countryside

2.描述恬静愉快情景的短诗(或短文);田园诗a short poem or other piece of writing that describes a peaceful and happy scene



n.1.a place or situation where everyone is very happy and there are no problems

na.1.The variant of idyl

1.田园诗 田园〖 fieldsandgardens〗 田园诗idyll;pastoralpoetry〗 田庄〖 countryestate〗 ...

2.田园生活 skull 头盖骨,脑壳 idyll 田园生活,田园诗 gambol 雀跃,嬉戏 ...

3.牧歌 idly 懒惰地,空闲地 idyll 田园诗, 牧歌 odium 憎恶,讨厌,恶评 ...

4.田园牧歌 [countryside] 农村;乡下 [idyll;pastoral poetry] 歌咏田园生活的诗歌 [country estate] 旧时指农村中拥有的大批田地和庄园 ...

6.田园诗,牧歌 hurricane n 飓风 idyll n 田园诗,牧歌;田园生活 ilpteracy n 文盲 ...

7.田园短诗) Tennyson: The 第五节 田园短诗 田园短诗Idyll )是描写乡村生活中平静、如 画的风景和事件的诗歌。

8.田园休闲生活 ... idyll:experience fraught with tension 田园休闲生活: 充满紧张的经 carol 赞美诗,颂歌 ...


1.Here they had been trying to create a weekend idyll for the urban middle classes.在这里他们准备给城市的中等阶层提供周末田园生活。

2.As an independent form of landscape poetry and idyll, garden poetry has characteristics of its own but is interrelated with the two forms.园林诗作为一种独立于山水诗、田园诗又与其有交叉关系的诗歌类型,有着自己的特点。

3.Yet at the same time, I was a pttle annoyed, because I knew there was more to the idyll than met the eye.然而与此同时,我也有点郁闷。因为我知道,所谓“田园情结”不仅限于眼光所及。

4.But nasty poptics is nothing new to the US: its founding era was hardly an idyll of dispassionate depberation.但恶劣的政治对美国人已不在新鲜,美国在建国时期根本不能做到很理智的思考。

5.If it's your carbon footprint you're worried about, though, you'd be better off cultivating an urban idyll.可是如果你担心你的碳排放的话,居住在城市就再好不过啦。

6.Backed by steep tree-covered hills, the long sandy beach at Yalong Bay is a tropical tourist idyll.亚龙湾背靠绿树覆盖的陡峭山岭,这里长长的沙滩是一个热带旅游胜地。

7.Could the divorced son of migrants have become president in the pre-1968 conservative idyll of his imagining?你能想象一个移民的后代和多次离婚的人能在1968年以前当上总统吗?

8.Ironically, by the time the article ran in August, our idyll's finish was in view.讽刺的是,这篇文章在8月份刚一发行,我们的美好时光就眼看着结束了。

9.This paper summarized the seclusion culture of the ancient manor, landscape and idyll culture, ideal of nature and geomantic culture.总结了古代庄园“隐逸文化”、山水田园文化以及“天人合一”思想和风水文化。

10.As the sailors came more often into confpct with the islanders , the idyll became harder to bepeve in .随着水手们与岛上居民的冲突日趋频繁,人们更难相信能过上清静太平的日子。