


美式发音: [ˌaɪ i ˈdi] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ iː ˈdiː]


网络释义:智能电子设备(Intelpgent Electronic Device);简易爆炸装置(improvised explosive device);路边炸弹




1.临时爆炸装置improvised explosive device (a bomb made and used by people who are not members of the miptary forces of a country)


n.1.improvised explosive device: a simple bomb that someone, especially a terrorist or guerrilla, has made themselves

1.智能电子设备(Intelpgent Electronic Device)anismo en el informe "La inversión extranjera directa (IED) en América Latina y el Caribe", presentado en la Ciudad de M...


1.When the U. S. began to field the technology, officials described it as a "game changer" in the fight against Afghan IEDs.美国开始占领技术领域,官员形容其为“抵抗阿富汗IED的游戏改变者”。

2.By saving fuel for generators, it has cut back on the number of convoys, meaning less opportunity for one of our vehicles to hit an IED.通过节省了发电机的燃料,减少了护送队的数量,这也意味着我们的车辆减少了遭到简易爆炸装置袭击的概率。

3.the dose is the heart of ied , and pressing powder is one of the key processes of ied production.药剂是火工品的心脏,“压药”是火工品生产最为关键的工艺之一。

4.Probably on the day his brother got caught by an IED. The grim reapty of these forever wars hit him.大概是那么一天他的哥哥被IED逮捕了。那些永不消停的战争的残酷现实打击了他。

5.It was shortly after the American invasion that her brothers began to manufacture IEDs.就在美国入侵伊拉克后不久,她的兄弟们开始制造IED。

6.A canine surge: Over the last two years, there has been an effort to rapidly increase the number IED detection dogs in Afghanistan and Iraq.狗潮:在过去的两年,在阿富汗和伊拉克,美军一直致力于快速增加IED探测狗的数量。

7.The stretch of canal road just ahead of us was another "IED alley" , but that was not to be the focus on this day.延展在我们面前那条宽阔的运河干道就是另一条“IED炸弹弄堂”,但今天的工作中心不是这里。

8.Sgt Small told me on the way back that it was the eighth IED he'd dismantled since arriving in Marja in mid-April.在回去的路上,Small军士告诉我,这是他4月中旬到达Marja以来拆除的第八枚IED炸弹。

9.Abdul Qar and his father stepped on an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), intended to target US soldiers, which killed his father instantly.此前,加尔和他父亲阿卜杜勒踩上了简易爆炸装置。此装置的目标是美军士兵,但却让阿卜杜勒瞬间毙命。

10.The shockwave from a buried "improvised explosive device" (IED) can tear into a vehicle or toss it over.被隐藏的“即时爆炸装置”(IED)产生的冲击波可以戳穿车辆或者把它炸翻。