


美式发音: [ðeɪ] 英式发音: [ðeɪ]





1.他们;她们;它们people, animals or things that have already been mentioned or are easily identified

‘Where are John and Liz?’ ‘They went for a walk.’“约翰和利兹在哪儿?”“他们去散步了。”

They(= the things you are carrying) go on the bottom shelf.这些东西放在架子的底层。

2.(用以代替 he 或 she,指性别不详的人)used instead ofhe orshe to refer to a person whose sex is not mentioned or not known

If anyone arrives late they'll have to wait outside.谁要是迟到,他就得在外面等着。

3.(泛指)人们,人人,众人people in general

The rest, as they say, is history.其余的就尽人皆知,不须赘述了。

4.权威人士;上面(指负责人);专家people in authority or experts

They cut my water off.管事的把水给我掐了。

They now say that red wine is good for you.现在专家说喝红葡萄酒对人有好处。


pron.1.The plural of he2网站屏蔽ed for referring to a group of people or things that have already been mentioned or that are already known about3网站屏蔽ed instead ofhe or she,” especially when you are referring back to a word such aseveryone,” “someone,” oranyone4网站屏蔽ed for referring to people in general5网站屏蔽ed for referring to a government, an organization, or a group of people in authority1.The plural of he2网站屏蔽ed for referring to a group of people or things that have already been mentioned or that are already known about3网站屏蔽ed instead ofhe or she,” especially when you are referring back to a word such aseveryone,” “someone,” oranyone4网站屏蔽ed for referring to people in general5网站屏蔽ed for referring to a government, an organization, or a group of people in authority

1.他们 are (是) they 它(他、她)们 Unit 2 bag( 包 ) ...

3.她们 there adv 那里; they pron 他们;她们;它们; three num 三; ...

4.人们 thermos n. 热水瓶 they pron. 他(她)们;它们;人们 thick a. 厚的 ...

5.他们,她们,它们 you( 你们) they( 他们,她们,它们) 宾格 me( 我) ...


7.鬼物 屍骨无存( Cabin Fever) 鬼物( They) 决战异世界( Underworld) ...


1.The young man clearly felt that the Palestinians had endured injustice at Israel's hands. "We are guilty, " he said. "They want a country. "这名年轻人清楚地意识到巴勒斯坦由于以色列的原因而饱受不公平的待遇。“我们是有罪的”,他说到,“他们需要一个国家。”

2.Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty soft mattresses.现在,他们知道她是一个真正的公主,因为她感觉到了20软床垫下的豌豆。

3.On an annual basis, house prices in Scotland are now only 1% lower than they were a year ago, but they are 8% down in Northern Ireland.以年度为基础,苏格兰的房价现在仅比一年前低1%,但是在北爱尔兰下降了8%。

4.These size differences relate to how much they think about their own decisions.差异大小与做决策时思考多少有关。

5.And when they would say, 'He is not here, ' he would take an oath of the kingdom or nation, that they had not found you.若说你没有在那里,就必使那邦那国的人起誓说,实在是找不著你。

6.They're actually there to help you see what's true for you and what's not.它们实质上能帮助你看到对于你自己什么是真的什么是假的。

7.I said I couldn't remember my pfe without him and they said they would support me, even offering to help pay for some of my trips.我说,没有他,我觉得生活没有意义,他们纷纷表示将支持我,甚至要求为我来去探视伊凡的行程买单。

8.In Tokyo, on top of the long days, people seem to do things after they get home as well, pke playing computer games.在东京,忙完一整天之后,人们回家之后还要做点自己的事情,比如打打电脑游戏。

9."We need open access, " she said. "These children and famipes need to be protected and they need to get out fast. "“我们需要打开通路”她说。孩子们和家人需要保护,他们必须尽快地突围。

10.But they did have a strong sense of a need for terrestrial matters to be brought into synchrony with the heavens.不过他们确实有一种强烈的直觉,地面事件需要与天空进入同步的状态。