




1.多才多艺 ... 一技之长: proficiency in a particular pne many talents: 多才多艺 A pfe lover: 热爱生活的人 ...


1.He was a man of many talents--an architect, an inventor, a scientist, and a collector of books and artifacts of American history.他拥有多项长才,是建筑师、发明家、科学家,而且是收集书本及代表美国历史的手工艺品的收藏家。

2.He was a man of many talents, a Renaissance man in the true sense of the world.他多才多艺,是真正意义上的文艺复兴时期的艺术家。

3.The First Lady is a woman of many talents. And apparently, hula hooping is one of them.第一夫人是一个多才多艺的女士,而且很明显,转呼啦圈也是其才华中的一项。

4.Sir Francis Bryan was a man of many talents and few morals.弗朗西斯·布莱恩是一个才华横溢却没有道德的人。

5.From the very beginning, the company actively invited men of wisdom and valor to the company, thus having many talents.从公司创建伊始积极在社会各界招贤纳士,为公司储备了大量的人才。

6.His inventions reveal a man of many talents and interests.他的发明反映出他是一个才华横溢、兴趣广泛的人。

7.He was a man of many talents.他是一个多才多艺的人。

8.It became usual for a successful feudal monarch in those period to employ a great many talents as their secretaries .礼贤下士,延揽大量人才入幕、以为己用成为这一时期有成就的封建君主最常用的办法。

9.eg: You're a man of many talents, aren't you?你是个多才多艺的人,不是吗?

10.Images were taken and edited, and a team with many talents put it all together.图片被挑选并且编辑过,由一个人才济济的团队把它们整合在一起。