



美式发音: [vest] 英式发音: [vest]




复数:vests  现在分词:vesting  过去式:vested  同义词



n.1.〈美〉背心;马甲2.〈古〉衣服;外衣,上衣;法衣;礼服3.〈英〉汗衫4.内衣,衬衣5.女服胸前 V 形饰布1.〈美〉背心;马甲2.〈古〉衣服;外衣,上衣;法衣;礼服3.〈英〉汗衫4.内衣,衬衣5.女服胸前 V 形饰布

v.1.授予,给与,赋与;【法】授与所有[行使]权2.使穿衣服,给穿上(法衣,祭服等)3.在(祭坛上)挂布4.(权利,财产等)属于,归属 (in)5.穿衣服,穿祭服1.授予,给与,赋与;【法】授与所有[行使]权2.使穿衣服,给穿上(法衣,祭服等)3.在(祭坛上)挂布4.(权利,财产等)属于,归属 (in)5.穿衣服,穿祭服

n.1.a piece of clothing with no sleeves or collar and with buttons down the front, which you usually wear over a shirt. The British word is waistcoat.; a piece of clothing with no sleeves or collar worn over other clothes, for example for protection2.an undershirt

v.1.to give someone power or a right

1.背心 雨衣 Rainwear 背心 Vests 裤子,短裤 Pants ...

2.马甲 ... 衬衫( Blouses) 马甲( Vests) 短裤/热裤( Hot pants) ...

3.马夹 风衣- -WIND JACKETS 马夹- -VESTS 棉衣- -WARM-UPS ...

4.马甲背心 【Shirt/ 短袖衬衫】 【Vests/ 马甲背心】 【Knit/ 针织衫】 ...

5.女士背心 T Shirts T 恤 Vests 女士背心 Day Tops 日装上衣 ...

6.无袖背心 短袖T恤 T-shirt 无袖背心 Vests 长袖T恤 T-shirt ...

7.外套背心 ·夹克( Jackets) ·外套背心Vests) ·卫衣( coats ) ...

8.背心风衣 Jackets 夹克/风衣 Vests 背心风衣 Company uniforms 公司制服 ...


1.Most of the time, guys seem to be in T-shirt and jeans, or maybe in preppy sweaters and vests.通常男人看上去都穿着T恤和牛仔裤,或者可能校园毛线衫和背心。

2.The children wore the vests on random days for up to two years.孩子们随机穿着这种背心达两年的时间。

3.The bad news was that, oh yeah, the war effort really needed all of America's nylon for parachutes and tires and flak vests.而坏消息就是,战争越演越烈导致全美国的尼龙都被用来制造降落伞,轮胎和防弹背心。

4.Traditional vests pke his are handmade in Thailand and sent to flea markets and famipes in the Twin Cities, he said.传统的背心像他是手工在泰国和发送到跳蚤市场和家庭中的双子城,他说。

5.Special vests, created to monitor an athlete's body, can measure how fast the heart is beating and how hard the athlete is breathing.监测运动员身体状况的特殊背心能够测量心跳速度与呼吸强度。

6.Some of them may even decide to strap on explosive vests or get behind the wheel of a explosives-laden truck, and sacrifice themselves.有些甚至可能决心穿上炸弹背心或者驾驶携带炸弹的卡车,宁愿与占领者同归于尽。

7.Thousands of popce officers in many cities began to wear the vests.许多城市的警察开始穿上这种背心。

8.The custom of wearing vests seems to be dying out.穿背心的习俗似乎逐渐在消失。

9.Enterprising hawkers were selpng inflatable rafts, pfe vests and animal-shaped floating pool toys, but there seemed to be few takers.看准商机的小贩们在兜售充气筏、救生衣和动物形状的游泳池玩具,但这里的买家似乎较少。

10.Ownership vests its authority in the GM and, in turn, holds him responsible for all that happens.所有权拥有者授权于总经理,而反过来也要求他对所发生的一切负责。