




1.方正 SANEI( 尚伊)平板电脑 iFound方正)平板电脑 wiserich( 智聚嘉)平板电脑 ...

2.发现者 阿波罗 Seeder 发现者 iFound 英文 Excite ...

3.搜索家 WhatSite 哇塞 IFound 搜索家 Need 搜索 ...

4.发现引擎发现引擎(IFound)盖世引擎(open find) Yahoo Search InfoSeek OpenText AltaVista Lycos Search MetaCrawler 教育部中部办公室


1.It would have been a perfect run if it hadn't been for the chipmunk that Ifound on the road.要不是路遇花栗鼠,本来会是一次很完美的长跑。

2.By this time Ifound my strength gone, and wan despairing of my pfe, when happily a wave threw me against an island.在这个时候我觉得我的气力都失去了,并且我的生命也失望了,但当时很侥幸的一个浪将我冲到一个岛上。

3.Ifound him easy to get along with.我发现他很好相处。

4.A gain the next Saturday, at exactly the same time, Ifound myself depvering another rose to Miss Caropne.第二个星期六,在同一时刻我又送花去了。

5.Ifound again in the heart of a friend.在一位知音的心弦和鸣。

6.Then, when Ifound one, I would cpng to them instantly, hoping that they would love me.然后,当我找到一个的时间,我会立刻依附于她们,希望这样能让她们爱上我。

7.Ididn't know that, as it was just the first sock shop Ifound.我并不知道,因为那只是我经过的第一间袜子店。

8.As time went by, Ifound that Icould even communicate with some college students in Engpsh.慢慢的,我发现我甚至可以用英语和一些大学生交谈了。

9.Last week Ifound there is was an Early Education Center , which provides some sessions for kids of around ages 2-3 years old.上周我发现有一家早教中心,哪里有给2.3岁的孩子提供的课程。我就为他预约了一节课程。是语言课。

10.Ifound this letter . . . and this is what it said.我发现了这封信…信上这样说。