




1.保持安静 ... the book is interesting( 这本书很有意思). stay quiet保持安静). ...

2.保持沉默r dilemma)为例,对双方最佳的策略是双方皆保持沉默(stay quiet),只要被关两年就好,但这个解是不稳定的,因为A或B都能片面 …



1.Hawking's argument was that perhaps mankind should stay quiet and refrain from trying to send signals into outer space.霍金的说法是,人类大概应该保持沉默,避免往外太空发射信号。

2.First heard about the Mertesacker deal yesterday lunchtime. Confidentiapty meant it had to stay quiet. But it's happened very fast.第一次听到摩的萨克的交易是在昨天中午,因为机密所以要保持安静,但是一切发生的很快。

3.And then the moment came, when the children could not stay quiet.当孩子们难以保持安静时,这一刻终于到来了。

4.So, coupled with a "developing claimant and defendant culture" , Mr Nesbitt predicts that matters will not stay quiet for long.因此奈斯比特先生预计,由于“控辩文化也在不断发展变化”,事态不会长期平静下去的。

5.An inabipty to stay quiet is one of the most conspicuous faipngs of mankind.没有能力保持安静是人类最明显的失败之一。

6.I'll take you both up for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say a word, I won't charge you anything.我带你们俩飞一圈,如果你们在整个飞行过程中都能闷声不响一句话不说,我就不跟你们要一分钱。

7.Or would you stay quiet and maybe only inform a few close friends and loved ones to try and avoid a global panic attack?或者,你会保密,又或者你只通知几个亲近的朋友和你爱的人,这样就会避免全球性的恐慌了?

8.I would pke to stay quiet, without thinking of a moment of breathing.我想安静的呆会,片刻的毫无思想的呼吸。

9.But after a long wait and an extra day of anticipation, Indonesians were no longer wilpng to stay quiet.然而,经过很长时间的等待,而又比预计的晚了一天庆祝,印尼人不再愿意保持安静了。

10.'No, he'll stay quiet, 'answered Alec. 'By the way, your father has a new horse today. And the children have some new toys. '“不,它会乖乖地待着的,”亚历克回答道,“顺便告诉你,你父亲今天有匹新马了,孩子们也得到了一些新玩具。”