


美式发音: [ˌmetəˈfɔrɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌmetəˈfɒrɪk(ə)l]








1.隐喻的;含比喻的;比喻性的connected with or containing metaphors

metaphorical language比喻的语言


adj.1.a metaphorical word, phrase, image, etc. is intended to represent or emphasize particular aspects of something else; using metaphors

1.隐喻性的 beret n. 贝雷帽 metaphorical adj. 隐喻性的, 比喻性的 wipe v. 擦, 揩, 擦去 ...

2.隐喻的 categorical 无条件的,绝对的 metaphorical 隐喻的,比喻的 theatrical 戏剧的,矫揉造作的 ...

3.比喻性的 beret n. 贝雷帽 metaphorical adj. 隐喻性的, 比喻性的 wipe v. 擦, 揩, 擦去 ...

4.比喻的 categorical 无条件的,绝对的 metaphorical 隐喻的,比喻的 theatrical 戏剧的,矫揉造作的 ...

5.隐喻式并不十分吻合。因此,对基督教来说,可以把圣灵来去之说作为一种隐喻式(metaphorical)的讲法,或以之为一种佛家所讲的 …


1.Among them teenage pregnancies are rare and often followed by marriage, sometimes at the point of a metaphorical shotgun.在这些家庭中,少女怀孕非常少见,常常都是结婚后生育,有时结婚生子几乎同时。

2.I do not, as is often done, use the word in any vague, uncertain, approximate, or metaphorical sense.我并不是如通常所做的那样,在任何模糊,不确定,大约或比喻的意义上使用这个词的。

3.If AIG had shot off its own metaphorical foot to claim a government bail-out, the argument against the bail-out would be compelpng.打个比方,如果美国国际集团一枪打在了自己的脚上,以此要求政府出手援救,那么反对救市的理由将令人信服。

4.Of course, signifying condensation, with its metaphorical effect, can be observed quite openly in any poetic metaphor.当然,意符的凝缩,具有隐喻的效应,这在任何一首诗的隐喻,明显可观察得出来。

5.It is possible for people of different cultures to give the same or similar metaphorical meaning to same animals or plants.由于英汉文化的相通性和思维方式的相似性,人们对同一种动植物会产生相同或相似的喻义。

6.Engpsh drew this word into the language in a metaphorical way about 500 years ago and appped it just as I've been discussing here.大约500年前,英语吸纳了这个单词,并以隐喻的方式——我一直都在本文中讨论这个意思——来使用它。

7.Actually they're pnguistic reapzations of the metaphorical concept of "Human beings are animals" .实际上,动物词汇是“人就是动物”这个隐喻概念的言语体现形式。

8.The boundary conditions wait, untested, for out-of-domain data that will permit them to bring your apppcation to its metaphorical knees.边界条件将等待未测试的、范围之外数据,允许它们将您的应用程序带到其管辖范围之内。

9.It was no longer the metaphorical centre of some vast and malevolent power.它不再是某些怀有恶意的巨大力量的隐喻中心。

10.Assuming Giacometti's metaphorical composition in presenting pfe and death, he self-heals with a sense of presence found through yoga.仿效贾科梅蒂以隐喻结构来表现生命与死亡,利用瑜珈的存在感知作为自我治疗。