



美式发音: [ˈwiknəs] 英式发音: [ˈwiːknəs]



复数:weaknesses  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.obvious weakness,basic weakness,serious weakness,fundamental weakness,great weakness

v.+n.show weakness


n.flaw,fault,Achilles' heel,frailty,feebleness


n.1.弱点,缺点2.柔弱;薄弱;懦弱,怯懦;优柔寡断3.弱;衰弱,虚弱4.〈口〉偏爱,癖好,嗜好 (for)1.弱点,缺点2.柔弱;薄弱;懦弱,怯懦;优柔寡断3.弱;衰弱,虚弱4.〈口〉偏爱,癖好,嗜好 (for)

n.1.the state or condition of being weak2.a fault or problem that makes something or someone less effective or attractive3.a persons love or enjoyment of something

1.劣势 长处( Strengthes) 弱点Weaknesses) 外部机遇( Opportunities) ...

4.生产企业劣势分析第二节 蓝光机产品生产企业劣势分析weaknesses) 60第三节 蓝光机产品生产企业机会分析(opportunities) 61第四节 蓝光 …

5.弱势2.企业的弱势weaknesses)分析 (1)经营管理模式落后 “重产值、轻效益”等经营管理思想的偏差、送变电行业经营环 境 …

6.劣势因素内部劣势因素weaknesses): 1. 战线拉的太长, 顾客群过窄; 2. 品牌单一; 3. 公司以往的营销策略在计划和执行中 …

7.缺点缺点weaknesses): 个别词语的推敲上,还有少许欠缺。机会点(opportunities):1、今天谈谈现代诗歌的意象思维,也 …

8.弱项同样,对弱项weaknesses),也不能仅仅说自己哪项不行,大多数同胞都会回答自己英语口语不好,但最好要接着说,自己 …


1.Jones must have weaknesses. . . but spotting any this season is going to be something of a trial. He's that good.琼斯作为曼联后卫线的额外保险一定有缺点吧…但从本赛季的表现来看,他无可挑剔。

2.Since then, I no longer have fear of the language began to slowly close to the language to make up for the weaknesses of language.从此以后,我不再对语文有恐惧感,开始慢慢接近语文,弥补语文方面的弱项。

3.Some of the weaknesses you may also be able to change, if only you worked at them, one at a time, over the course of a month or even a year.至于有些小毛病,只要一点一滴地做起,一个月,或者一年,你就会改正的。

4.If one of your staff members lacks the necessary knowledge to step in and help out occasionally, that may be one of your weaknesses.如果你的工作人员缺乏必要的知识和步骤来帮忙偶尔这可能是你的弱点。

5.Whatever NATO's weaknesses, "if it were gone, it would be very, very hard to recreate. "不管北约有什么缺点,“如果它解体了,想要重建将会非常非常困难”。

6.Don't be so focused on looking for your weaknesses that you forget to ask about your strong points.不要太关注寻找自己的弱点而却忘了问一问自己的强处。

7.He said there was a need for "more vigorous measures" to address the sector's weaknesses and pmit the damage to the economy.他说有必要采取“更为激进的措施”来解决楼市的疲弱,并限制对经济可能造成的冲击。

8.Students themselves seem to understand the weaknesses inherent in the setup.学生本身也明白这个机制的不足之处。对

9.Then you get a promotion that adds one of your major weaknesses -- a lack of good pubpc speaking skills -- to your job description.然后你得到了一次晋升,但是晋升后的岗位职责中涉及到你的一个主要弱点:良好的公开演说能力的缺乏。

10.His weaknesses are several times alluded to by Socrates, who, however, will not allow him to be attacked by his brother Adeimantus.甚至就连他身上的缺点也不少次为苏格拉底提供了启示,可是有一点,他不能让自己成为自家兄弟阿德曼托斯攻击的对象。