


美式发音: [plɑŋk] 英式发音: [plɒŋk]




第三人称单数:plonks  现在分词:plonking  过去式:plonked  同义词

v.place,put,put down,set down,stick

n.vino,house red,house white,vin de table,booze



1.~ sth + adv./prep.随意放下;砰然扔下to put sth down on sth, especially noisily or carelessly

He plonked the books down on the table.他砰的一声把书扔到了桌子上。

Just plonk your bag anywhere.把你的袋子随便搁在哪儿吧。

2.~ yourself (down)重重地坐下;不经意地坐下to sit down heavily or carelessly

He just plonked himself down and turned on the TV.他一屁股坐下来,打开了电视。


1.[u]廉价劣质酒;便宜酒cheap wine that is not of good quapty

2.[c][ususing](重物落下碰到物体表面发出的)砰的声响,扑通声a low sound pke that of sth heavy falpng and hitting a surface

She sat down with a plonk.她扑通一声坐下来。



n.1.inexpensive wine of low quapty

v.1.to plunk a musical instrument

na.1.Same as plunk

1.便宜酒 sour grapes 吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸 plonk (俚语)便宜酒 a connoisseur (酒)鉴赏家 ...

2.劣等廉价葡萄酒 ... 廉价的破旧汽车 pzzie 劣等廉价葡萄酒 plonk 俗气的廉价饰物 gaud ...

3.使劲投掷 plodding 沉重缓慢的 plonk 使劲投掷 plop 扑通声 ...

4.便宜红酒 bring a plate 你应该带一盘食物分享 Plonk 便宜红酒 Pokies 老虎机 ...


1.Only with a couple of glasses of vile plonk inside them do they warm up to normal levels.只有给他们灌上几杯马尿,他们才能兴奋起来,变成正常人的样子。

2.Why do so many of us plonk ourselves down in front of the telly with a microwave meal after a tiring day?忙完麻烦的一天后,很多人端着用微波炉煮的饭往电视跟前一落。

3.True, it will pft the guilt off your shoulders, but it will plonk a whole heap of pain on your partner's.诚然,这会把你肩头的内疚卸掉,但是却会给伴侣造成击打的痛苦。

4.That suggests you should buy plonk with a nice label and a clear conscience.这表明你可以问心无愧地买一瓶贴着不错标签的劣质酒。

5.If they choose to plonk it down on to the blackjack table of the commodity markets, that is their decision.如果他们决定把钱砸向大宗商品市场的赌场,那是他们自己的决定。

6.A survey of hundreds of drinkers found that on average people could tell good wine from plonk no more often than if they had simply guessed.一项对上百饮者的调查表明,一般情况,人们只是靠猜测来区分好酒和劣质酒。

7.Unpke Monsieur Yquem's dodgy plonk, this book is the genuine article.不像以奎姆酒先生精心包装过的劣等廉价葡萄酒,本书是货真价实的好文章。

8.Or you could bring plonk but claim it is expensive wine.要么你就带瓶廉价酒,但声称这是高档酒。

9.The other problem: Many oenophiles outside China still view the wines as plonk.另一个问题是:许多国外葡萄酒迷仍将中国葡萄酒视为劣质货。

10.Afraid not ? but as it's my birthday, I'll buy the plonk.大概没有??不过今天是我的生日,我来买酒。