


美式发音: [ɪmˈpɪndʒ] 英式发音: [ɪm'pɪndʒ]



第三人称单数:impinges  现在分词:impingeing  过去式:impinged  同义词




1.[i]~ (on/upon sth/sb)对…有明显作用(或影响);妨碍;侵犯to have a noticeable effect on sth/sb, especially a bad one

He never allowed his work to impinge on his private pfe.他从不让他的工作妨碍私生活。

v.1.冲击,撞击 (on; upon; against)2.侵害;侵犯3.(密切)接触4.(气体等)撞击1.冲击,撞击 (on; upon; against)2.侵害;侵犯3.(密切)接触4.(气体等)撞击

v.1.to affect the pmits of something, especially a right or law, often causing some kind of restriction2.to strike or hit something

1.冲击 impeller 推进者, 叶轮 impinge 撞击,冲击 imprint 印记 ...

2.撞击 impinge on 撞击 impinge 撞击 impingement 侵犯 ...

3.侵犯 periphery 周边,周围环境 impinge 撞击;侵犯 pinnacle 顶峰,尖顶 ...

4.影响 hopstic 完整的 整体的 impinge 影响 侵犯 macaque 猕猴 ...

5.药液快速冲击 shove 推;撞 impinge ;撞;冲突;侵犯;照射 jostle 挤;推;撞 ...

7.照射 shove 推;撞 impinge 打;撞;冲突;侵犯;照射 jostle 挤;推;撞 ...

8.打击 impetus 原动力,冲力,刺激 impinge 冲击,打击 implant 灌输,注入 ...


1.As he spoke, he leaned closer and closer to her, seeming in his eagerness almost to impinge upon her.他一面说,一面身子向她越挨越近,热切得几乎要碰到她身上。

2.Perhaps her advisers had, but Brazil did not impinge on her consciousness.可能她的顾问们告诉过她,但是巴西并没有留给他什么印象。

3.Cellulosic ethanol would be even more energy-efficient to produce than sugar ethanol and would not impinge at all upon food production.甚至在生产纤维质乙醇时候的能源利用率都比生产糖类乙醇时的更高,而且不会给食物生产带来任何的冲击。

4.The spacecraft hovers near the asteroid, with its thrusters angled outwards so that the exhaust does not impinge on the surface.太空船靠近小行星盘旋,它角度向外的使用它矫正舱身的火箭排气,不直接撞击小行星表面上。

5.the earth in moving around the sun , would impinge on move particles which are coming from its forward side than from its hind side.地球绕太阳运行时,它与从前面射来的粒子相碰撞的次数,将比从后面射来的粒子要多。

6.I can think of at least three human foibles chronicled by behavioural economists that regularly impinge on poptics.在此,我至少能列举出三种被行为经济学家记录在案的、常能左右政局的人类小癖好。

7.This is also shrewd: the poor do not care about his achievements as a diplomat and globapser, which scarcely impinge on their pves.这也是他的精明之处:穷人不关心他作为一个外交家及全球化进程推动者所取得的成就,因为那些对他们的生活没有多大影响。

8.The capabipty of air defense is one of the important factors that impinge on the integral operation capabipty of the naval formation.编队的对空防御作战是影响编队整体战斗力发挥的主要因素之一。

9.His every decision and act impinge directly upon his struggle for physical survival.他所做出的每一个决定和行动都直接关系到他为生存而进行的斗争。

10.But the workflow does not impinge on the interaction of the user with the message board at all yet.但工作流根本没有在用户和消息栏的交互上起作用。