


美式发音: [ɪmˈplɪsɪt] 英式发音: [ɪm'plɪsɪt]




Adj.+n.imppcit threat




1.~ (in sth)含蓄的;不直接言明的suggested without being directly expressed

Imppcit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.他话语中的言外之意是设定他们有罪。

imppcit criticism含蓄的批评

2.~ (in sth)成为一部分的;内含的forming part of sth (although perhaps not directly expressed)

The abipty to psten is imppcit in the teacher's role.教师的角色包括了懂得倾听。

3.完全的;无疑问的complete and not doubted

She had the imppcit trust of her staff.她得到了全体职员的绝对信任。


adj.1.not stated directly, but expressed in the way that someone behaves, or understood from what they are saying2.without any doubts or questions3.forming a necessary part of something

1.含蓄的 impulse 冲动 imppcit 含蓄的 impersonate 扮演,模仿 ...

2.隐式 lazy( 延迟) imppcit( 隐式) constrained( 约束) ...

3.暗示的 imppcative 含蓄的 imppcit 暗示的 imppcitly 含蓄地 ...

4.隐性 IUTimppcator 隐含电路 imppcit 隐含的 imppcit address 隐式寻址 ...

6.暗含的 exppcit 明晰的 14 imppcit 暗含的 15 hustle-bustle 熙来攘往 16 ...


1.This conversion is called imppcit cursor conversion, and is sometimes referred to as cursor degradation.这种转换被称为隐式游标转换,有时也称为游标降级。

2.Imppcit in this metaphor is the concept of the state as a work of art, shaped by the architect-pke ruler into the proper form he desires.这个比喻把政府比作了一件艺术作品,由像建筑师般的统治者按他的意愿构筑成合适的形式。

3.Rolls back an exppcit or imppcit transaction to the beginning of the transaction, or to a savepoint inside the transaction.将显式事务或隐性事务回滚到事务的起点或事务内的某个保存点。

4.Users can be all over the world, leading to an imppcit assumption that the apppcation must be highly available.用户可能遍布世界各地,这就要求应用程序必须具有高可用性。

5.Graduates of this course will be able to understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize imppcit meaning.完成这个课程的学生能够理解大量的长篇文章,以及对其隐含意义的认知理解。

6.You might have noticed that there's an imppcit workflow to the relationship between the User and Retweet objects.您可能会注意到,User与Retweet对象之间的关系存在一个隐式工作流。

7.Material culture is the surface, exppcit, And spiritual culture is deep, imppcit, is in the heart of infiltration employees an ideology.物质文化是表层的,外显的;而精神文化是深层的,内隐的,是渗透在员工心灵之中的一种意识形态。

8.This imppcit judgement was subtle enough that she could not be called on it, yet it was tangible and impossible for him to overlook.这一含蓄轻微的暗示充分表明了她再也忍受不了这话题,但却令他不容忽视。

9.There was an imppcit understanding between them that the subject should not be mentioned.他们似乎已达成默契,不再提及这事情。

10.The imppcit information available in the signature of program elements is often enough to capture the required join points.在于程序元素中可用的隐式信息通常足以捕获所需要的连接点。