


美式发音: ['fʌndəs] 英式发音: ['fʌndəs]






n.1.the part of a hollow organ of the body farthest from its opening, e.g. the part of the eye's retina opposite the pupil

1.基底 fulminate v. (疾病)暴发;爆炸 fundus n. 底,基底 funeral n. 葬礼,丧葬 a.丧礼的 ...

2.眼底 眼部检查 examination of eyes 眼底 fundus 眼底镜检查 ophthalmoscopy ...

3.底部(2)胃底部(fundus),较贲门部为高,是小而圆的区域,通常含有吞入的空气。 (3)胃体部(body)是中央膨大的部分。

4.胃底通常在胃底fundus)和胃 体(body)所分泌的粘液中有一种粘多醣(mucopolysaccharide)或粘多胜 (mucopolypeptide) …

5.子宫底  子宫由上到下可分为子宫底Fundus)、子宫体(Body)、峡部(Isthmus)与子宫颈(Cervix):  子宫大部分由肌肉组成, …

6.基底部与食道的接连处是喷门括约肌,上方圆顶部分叫做基底部(fundus),接近小肠附近部分叫做幽门部(pyloric region)。基底部与幽 …


1.Most people, particularly in patients with myopia, eye doctor once a year to see and do fundus examination is necessary.一般人,特别是近视眼的患者,每年看一次眼科医师并做眼底检查也是必要的。

2.We only from the man, and said the fundus tears, will pick "don't come in to the warmth of blood" see a difference in robot vitapty.我们才从那个男人眼底的泪水以及说着“别过来,会沾到血”的温情里看到一丝区别于机器人的生命力。

3.Ophthalmic fundus examination showed bard exudate, retinal hemorrhage, and macular edema in both her eyes.两眼眼底检查皆有硬性渗出物、视网膜出血、黄斑部水肿。

4.The normal appearance of the gastric fundus on upper GI endoscopy is shown at the left, with the normal duodenal appearance at the right.正常的胃底部的外观在上消化道内窥镜检查显示如图左侧。右侧是正常的十二指肠。

5.This uterus is not enlarged, but there is an irregular mass in the upper fundus that proved to be endometrial adenocarcinoma on biopsy.图示子宫无增大,基底部有一不规则肿物,已取活检确定为子宫内膜癌。

6.In this paper, we reviewed basic theory of fundus autofluorescence and its cpnical apppcation in various retinal disease. . .本文就自发荧光的基本原理及其在各种视网膜疾病中的表现作一综述。

7.Fundus examination revealed bilateral foveal retinoschisis and inferior-temporal peripheral retinoschisis.眼底呈两侧性黄斑部网膜分裂及颞侧下部周边网膜分裂。

8.AF examination associates with fundus colorized photography and FFA can be mutually complemented in observing the images of CSC .AF检查结合眼底彩色照相、FFA检查,可以对CSC的影像观察起到相互补充的作用。

9.Retinopathy was classified from photographs and fundus fluorescein angiography on scales(excluding propferative lesions).根据眼底照片视网膜病变被分级(除外增殖性病变);

10.Conclusion: The above two methods are simple and effective for the treatment of big vessel injury near the skull fundus .结论:颈部大血管临近颅底处的损伤,上述方法方便、简单、止血快捷,疗效肯定。