



美式发音: [ɪmˈpɔrt] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpɔː(r)t]




过去分词:imported  现在分词:importing  第三人称单数:imports  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.import goods,import wheat,import technology

adj.+n.import beef


v.bring in,introduce,smuggle,trade in





v.1.to bring something or cause something to be brought in from another country, usually for commercial or industrial purposes2.to introduce something such as knowledge or expertise from an outside source3.to mean something, often in addition to what is actually expressed4.to transfer data from one location to another in a computer or from one computer to another in a computer network, especially when a change of format is required5.to buy a product from another country and bring it to your country6.to move information from one file or program into another7.bring in;introduce;esp.goods from a foreign country8.mean;signify;make known(that)1.to bring something or cause something to be brought in from another country, usually for commercial or industrial purposes2.to introduce something such as knowledge or expertise from an outside source3.to mean something, often in addition to what is actually expressed4.to transfer data from one location to another in a computer or from one computer to another in a computer network, especially when a change of format is required5.to buy a product from another country and bring it to your country6.to move information from one file or program into another7.bring in;introduce;esp.goods from a foreign country8.mean;signify;make known(that)

n.1.something that is brought into one country from another, usually for commercial or industrial purposes2.an idea, practice, or person introduced from the outside3.the bringing in of something from abroad or an outside source4.meaning or significance5.a product from another country, that is bought with money from your country6.the importance or meaning of something1.something that is brought into one country from another, usually for commercial or industrial purposes2.an idea, practice, or person introduced from the outside3.the bringing in of something from abroad or an outside source4.meaning or significance5.a product from another country, that is bought with money from your country6.the importance or meaning of something

1.导入 ... import 进口货(常用复数) (also: importing) 进口货(常用复数) to do not import column 省略输入此列 ...

6.进口业务部 出口业务部 Exporting 进口业务部 Importing 销售业务部 Sales Team ...


8.导入数据到仓库件(TortoiseSVN-add) 2.2.5 导入数据到仓库(Importing) 2.2.6 更新(TortoiseSVN-update) 目录 2.2.7 提交(TortoiseSVN-commit…


1.Due to the expense of the Show and Display process, we recommend waiting a few years for it to turn 25 and then importing one.鉴于在“供作展览”的过程当中要产生相应的费用,我们还是建议再等上几年,满了25年的期限之后再进口一部。

2.Mr. Kobayashi: As a trading company, Itochu has made most of its profits up to now by importing foreign goods and resources to Japan.小林荣一:作为一个贸易公司,伊藤忠商事目前大部分盈利都是靠进口国外商品和资源。

3.That was more than twice the rate of the previous 25 years and has transformed China from a food importing to a food exporting country.这为过去25年增长速度的两倍多,使中国从一个粮食进口国变成了粮食出口国。

4.Apart from costing other users, it tends to be seen as devaluing the unique creative cultures of those importing it.卫星电视除了让其他的用户花钱之外,它往往还倾向于培养观众贬低进口卫视节目者自己独特的、有创造性的文化。

5.He said the company didn't just start importing cigars to get around the ban on flavored cigarettes.他说,该公司并不是刚刚开始进口雪茄,以绕过加香卷烟禁令的。

6.The pick-up in local prices made importing copper into China profitable, pushing up benchmark prices in London, they said.交易员还表示,中国本土铜价的提高,使得从国外进口铜更有利可图,由此推高了伦敦市场的基准价格。

7.There are quite a few companies importing granite and marble and they all seem to be in Riga.拉脱维亚的首都里加有相当多的花岗岩和大理石进口公司。

8.He said Molycorp, which also distributes, has so far had no trouble importing from China but intends to step up its monitoring of the trade.他说,目前为止也参与分销的Molycorp从中国的进口没有问题,不过公司计划加强对贸易的监控。

9.Similarly, the language used in any legapzation statement or stamp is generally that of the importing country.同样,认证声明或印戳中使用的语言通常是进口国家的语言。

10.Their father, Sol, was a Jew, the son of a rabbi, but sufficiently assimilated that he made his pving importing both cheese and ham.他们的父亲扫罗是一个犹太拉比的儿子。但他已经充分世俗化,以进口奶酪和火腿为生。