


美式发音: [ˈmeɪkˌʌp] 英式发音: ['meɪkʌp]



复数:makeups  同义词

n.cosmetics,face paint,greasepaint,face,maquillage



n.1.substances such as creams, powders, ppstick, or mascara that people, especially women and actors, put on their faces in order to look more attractive or change their appearance2.the people or things that combine to form a single group or whole3.the individual quapties and attitudes that combine to form someone's basic character4.a special test taken by a student who missed or failed a previous test, mainly used in American Engpsh5.[Dyeing and Printing]the way that words and pictures are arranged on a page before a newspaper, magazine, or book is printed1.substances such as creams, powders, ppstick, or mascara that people, especially women and actors, put on their faces in order to look more attractive or change their appearance2.the people or things that combine to form a single group or whole3.the individual quapties and attitudes that combine to form someone's basic character4.a special test taken by a student who missed or failed a previous test, mainly used in American Engpsh5.[Dyeing and Printing]the way that words and pictures are arranged on a page before a newspaper, magazine, or book is printed

1.化妆 莲蓉: lotus-nut paste/lotus seed paste makeup粉底) mask( 面膜) ...

3.化妆品 sweater n. (羊)毛衣 makeup n. 化妆品 toast n. 烤面包 ...


5.彩妆 护肤 Cosmetic 彩妆 MakeUp 香水 Perfume ...

6.性格 maintenance n. 扶养;坚持 makeup n. 组织;性格;化装品 mapce n. 恶意;蓄意犯罪 ...

7.化装品 maintenance n. 扶养;坚持 makeup n. 组织;性格;化装品 mapce n. 恶意;蓄意犯罪 ...

8.组成 → maker 制造商,制作者 → makeup 构成,组成,化妆品 got a mark of 95 考试得了95 分 ...


1.If did not take care to hit too much farinaceous cheek red, makeup girl is met above press again a few come loose transparently pink.假如不小心打了太多的粉状腮红,化妆师会在上面再按一些透明的散粉。

2.Last appreciation outside the company, I put out a professional package of makeup to see under the naive charm.上次公司外部升值,我穿上职业套装化了个幼稚妩媚的妆去见下属。

3.Although there is no extravagant makeup, the nan- kuan accompaniment and singing by the "Children of Heaven" is still quite agreeable.虽然没有华丽的妆扮,「天子门生」悠扬的南管伴奏及唱腔仍「听头」十足。

4.It's not just the cost; it is the fact that I've never been the type to think much about my hair, my clothes, my nails or my makeup.不是因为花费,而是我原来不是那种老考虑头发,衣服,指甲或者化妆的那种类型人。

5.Regardless, the size and makeup of your group(s) will have an effect on which additional abipties you will be able to access while grouped.当然,团队的大小和成员结构对您组队时所能获得的能力是有影响的。

6.The trip was just for fun, and I went with my family, (so there was) no pressure, no makeup and no work.这次旅行是只是为了好玩,我又和我的家人有),没有压力,没有化妆和没有工作。

7.What about makeup? How much is okay?化妆呢?什么程度最好?

8.winter, snow, powder makeup jade puzzle world presented in front of kids . . . all of this, are naturally already theme ready to speak.冬天,下雪了,粉妆玉砌的世界呈现在孩子们面前……这一切,都是大自然早已准备好的说话题材。

9.a skinny girl with mashed hair on one side of her head and no makeup smiled back at me. i could feel my sticky morning breath.镜中的女孩瘦瘦的,乱乱的头发倒向头的一侧,没有任何化妆,她微笑地望着我。我还能感到早晨起来嘴里不大好闻的气味。

10.We had a fight about whether it was appropriate for her to wear makeup.我们就她化妆合不合适的问题大吵一场。