


美式发音: [ˈmeɪdʒər] 英式发音: [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)]





复数:majors  现在分词:majoring  过去式:majored  搭配反义词

adj.+n.major part,major problem,major role,major change,major concern




1.[ubn]主要的;重要的;大的very large or important

a major road一条大马路

major international companies大跨国公司

to play a major role in sth在某事中起重要作用

We have encountered major problems.我们遇上了大问题。

There were calls for major changes to the welfare system.有人要求对福利制度进行重大改革。


Never mind─it's not major.别担心,这不严重。

3.大调的based on a scale (= a series of eight notes) in which the third note is two whole tones/steps higher than the first note

the key of D majorD 大调

4.(课程)主修的related to sb's main subject of study in college


1.[c]少校an officer of fairly high rank in the army or the US air force

Major Smith史密斯少校

He's a major in the US army.他是美国陆军少校。

2.[c]主修课程;专业课the main subject or course of a student at college or university

Her major is French.她的专业课是法语。

3.[c]主修学生;主修生a student studying a particular subject as the main part of their course

She's a French major.她是法语专业的学生。

4.[pl]大联盟the major leagues



n.1.【乐】大调;大音阶2.【逻】大名词;大前提3.陆军[空军]少校;〈英〉陆军少校;= sergeant major【军事】...长4.成年人5.〈美〉专修科目;专科生6.【男名】男子名1.【乐】大调;大音阶2.【逻】大名词;大前提3.陆军[空军]少校;〈英〉陆军少校;= sergeant major【军事】...长4.成年人5.〈美〉专修科目;专科生6.【男名】男子名


adj.1.important, serious, large, or great; more important, more serious, larger, or greater than other things; very important2.relating to a musical scalefixed series of musical notes with half steps between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth musical notes

n.1.an officer of middle rank in the miptary, the marines, or the U.S. air force2.a students main subject at a college or university; a student who is studying a particular subject as their main subject at a college or university3.the major leagues

1.专业 analysis n. 分析 1.4 major n. 专业 discippne n. 学科 ...

2.主修 curriculum 课程 major 主修 minor 副修 ...

3.主要的 in one’s opinion 按照……的看法 major adj 重大的;主要的 probably adv 大概;很可能 △ ...

4.少校 era n. 时代;年代 major n. 少校 crisis n. 危机 ...

5.棒球大联盟 mechanic n 机械师 major a 较大的;主要的 permanence n 永恒,持久 ...

7.大调 polytonapty 多调性 major 大调 minor 小调 ...


1.Zakaria: Do you think you can continue to grow if the United States goes into a major recession?扎:你是否认为即使美国陷入大衰退之中,中国仍能保持增长?。

2.But, he said, "the transformation from dictatorship to civil society" is "a major task" pkely to take many years.但是,他说,“从专制到民主社会的转变是主要的任务,有可能要花费许多年的时间。”

3.But as a major storm rips into Shutter Island, the tension seems to be coming from everywhere at once.当一场大风暴袭击了海岛,影片的紧张氛围似乎一下子达到了顶点。

4.Perhaps in the eyes acetify on some astigmatism, and this appears to have no major advantages that some lots still much to do.也许,专注得眼睛发酸,有些散光,这才发现有些看来并无特大优势的地段,仍大有文章可做。

5.Foreign banks, began to locate major branches in London to the detriment of the clearing banks.外国银行为了与英国清算银行竞争,开始在伦敦设置主要分行。

6.Live in the heart of New York City, Chicago, Boston or another major city for at least a year.在纽约、芝加哥、波士顿或者其它大城市的中心住上至少一年。

7.US president Bush has a major worry hanging over his head. It is not easy to end the war against Iraq immediately.美国总统布什有一个重大忧虑悬在心头。伊拉克战争要很快结束并非易事。

8."These rapid tests have been a major breakthrough in malaria control, " said Dr Robert Newman, Director of WHO's Global Malaria Programme.“这些快速检测方法是疟疾控制方面的一项重大突破,”世卫组织全球疟疾规划司司长RobertNewman说。

9.In many major cities, at least, gays and lesbians no longer seem to need a safe place in the form of a store.至少,在许多主要的城市里,同性恋已不再需要商店这种形式的庇护之地了。

10.The company, which supppes major retailers such as Walmart and Gap, is often seen as a bellwether for global consumer sentiment.作为沃尔玛(Walmart)与Gap等主要零售商的供应商,利丰经常被视为全球消费者情绪的风向标。