


网络释义:三元催化转换器;三效催化剂(three-way catalyst);三元催化转化器


1.三元催化转换器后氧传感器(HO2S2)监测这 个过程,排气流通过三元催化器 (TWC),加热型后氧传感器(HO2S2)产 生一个输出信号,该信号 …

5.时代华纳有线(Time Warner Cable)先前与时代华纳有线TWC)乔不拢的球赛转播费用,也在林书豪效应下欢喜收场。 这股林来疯的热度更已感染亚洲媒体,中 …

6.三元催化剂改善贵金属含量的三元催化剂(TWC)的低温活性和高温热稳定性,符合日益严格的尾气低排放法规,具有重要的经济和社会意 …


1.By the beginning of March, we'd hired a team of 10 at TWC and I took a trip to Jackson Hole to celebrate.到三月初,我们在TWC公司招聘组建了一个10人的团队。作为庆祝,我们去JacksonHole旅行了一趟。

2.I returned to Denver for my last week at TWC, enjoyed a couple days of skiing, then headed to Utah for an interview with Overstock. com.我返回丹佛,度过了在TWC公司的最后几个星期,又去玩了几天的滑雪,然后前往犹他州参加OverStock的面试。

3.Three-way catalyst (TWC) is the control of vehicle exhaust pollution one of the most effective means.三效催化剂(TWC)是目前控制汽车尾气污染最有效的手段之一。

4.The dosage of noble metals in TWC of CNG vehicle was greatly decreased, and higher purification efficiency for the exhaust was obtained.天然气汽车三效催化器中贵金属用量大大降低,保持了较高的废气净化效率。

5.The TWC control system was designed to control width variations introduced by different reasons in finishing train.本文建立了TWC(张力宽度控制系统)宽度控制系统控制在精轧区由不同原因引起的宽度偏差。

6.While I enjoyed my time at TWC, my contract duration was up and being a full-time employee didn't give me the vacation time I tend to enjoy.虽然我很喜欢在TWC公司的时光,但我的合同到期了,并且作为一个全职员工,并没有我向往的假期。

7.They are described on their physicochemical properties and apppcations in TWC in this paper.本文论述了其物化性质,并讨论了稀土氧化物的应用前景。

8.The fault diagnosis system of TWC contains hardware and software components in this study.本研究建立的三元催化器故障诊断系统由硬件和软件两个部分组成。

9.In December 2009, I started working with Time Warner Cable as their Chief Architect of Web Development.2009年12月,我开始在时代华纳有线电视公司(TWC)工作,担任Web开发的首席架构师。

10.This thesis is focus on the study which includes the feasibipty of the diagnosis system and the method of diagnosis for TWC.本课题是关于三元催化器故障系统可行性和诊断方法的研究。