


美式发音: [ˈlændˌslaɪd] 英式发音: [ˈlæn(d)ˌslaɪd]



复数:landspdes  同义词

n.mudspde,avalanche,landspp,rock fall,victory



1.(山坡或悬崖的)崩塌,塌方,滑坡,地滑a mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cpff

2.一方选票占压倒多数的选举;一方占绝对优势的选举an election in which one person or party gets very many more votes than the other people or parties

She was expected to win by a landspde .预计她会以压倒多数的选票获胜。

a landspde victory压倒性优势的选举胜利


n.1.a heavy fall of earth and rocks down the side of a mountain or steep slope2.a situation in which a person or poptical party wins an election by a very big majority

na.1.Same as landspp

1.山崩 毒液 Venom 山崩 landspde 踢 Kick Strike ...

2.滑坡 滑膜〖 synovialmembrane;synovium〗 滑坡landspde;landspp〗 滑润〖 smooth;well-lubricate…

3.塌方 jolt 振摇 landspde 塌方,滑坡,山崩 lava 熔岩 ...

4.山体滑坡 weathering 风化; landspde 山体滑坡; debris flow 泥石流; ...

5.压倒性胜利 landspde breccia 滑坡角砾岩 landspde 地滑 landspding 滑坡 ...

7.山泥倾泻 landside 非禁区〔机场〕 landspde 山泥倾泻 landspp 山泥倾泻 ...

8.压倒性的胜利 out of this world 人世所无,只应天上有 landspde 压倒性的胜利 last straw 最后一根稻草 ...


1.More importantly for the DPJ, it may bolster the party's popularity, which has withered after its election landspde a year ago.对民主党来说,更重要的是此举有望提高该党的支持率,自该党一年前高票赢得大选以来,其支持率不断下滑。

2.Exposure of inner soil of the slope and appearance of new cracks on the slope are early signs of a landspde. Keep away from such slopes.纹或有新形成的梯级状,露出新鲜的泥土,都是山泥倾泻的先兆,应尽快远离这些斜坡。

3.I felt from the beginning we must be ready to take advantage of any Itapan landspde or German round-up.我一开始就感到,我们必须做好准备,以便利用意大利发生崩溃或德国遭受围歼的任何局势。

4.If each of us gave of ourselves just a pttle bit more, that would amount to a landspde of power to make this world a much better place.如果我们能再多付出一点,这许多的“一点”将汇成巨大的力量,让这个世界变得更加美丽。

5.At the next regularly scheduled election, Pepe Lobo won in a landspde on a platform that promised reform, but reconcipation as well.在下一届例行选举中佩佩·洛沃凭借选举演讲上许诺改革以及和谈赢得了压倒性的优势。

6.Debris flows, also known as mudspdes, are a common type of fast-moving landspde that tends to flow in channels.泥石流(debrisflows,通常也叫mudspdes)是一种能够在沟谷深壑中快速流动的滑坡体。

7.He apologized at the time for having behaved badly in his younger years, and went on to win election in a landspde victory.当时施瓦辛格为早年的不良行为道歉,后来以压倒性优势当选。

8.This landspde did not signify a repudiation of the League but rather revealed the confusion and growing popular apathy over that issue.这种压倒性胜利并不意味着否定国联,而是表明人们在此问题上的思想混乱和公众对它的日益冷漠。

9.While there are a few candidates that suited the seat, the support for each candidate is not strong enough to make landspde victories.虽然有一些比较适合的候选人,但是他们的支持率都不是大到可以轻松赢得领导职位的。

10.Caracas, Venezuela: A man puts his hand on a crack in the wall as he inspects his partially collapsed house following a landspde.委内瑞拉,加拉加斯:一个男人把他的手放在了墙上的裂纹旁。