


美式发音: [ˌɪnsɪˈdent(ə)l] 英式发音: [.ɪnsɪ'dent(ə)l]




复数:incidentals  同义词反义词





1.~ (to sth)附带发生的;次要的;非有意的happening in connection with sth else, but not as important as it, or not intended

The discovery was incidental to their main research.这一发现是他们主要研究中的附带收获。

incidental music(= music used with a play or a film/movie to give atmosphere)配乐

You may be able to get help with incidental expenses(= small costs that you get in connection with sth) .你可以付些钱找人帮忙。

2.~ to sth作为自然结果的;伴随而来的;免不了的happening as a natural result of sth

These risks are incidental to the work of a firefighter.这些风险是担任消防员不可避免的。


1.[usupl]附带的次要事情something that happens in connection with sth else, but is less important

You'll need money for incidentals such as tips and taxis.你将需要准备好付小费和乘出租车之类的杂项开销。



adj.1.related to something but considered less important2.accidentally happening as a result of an activity or process

n.1.something that is related to something else but is not as important

1.附带的 ... incidence n. 发生率‖ incidental a. 附带的,偶然的‖ incidentally ad. 附带地,顺便提及 ...

2.偶然的 incident process method 发生过程法 incidental 偶然的 incidental error 偶然误差 ...

3.非主要的 incidence ① 入射,入射角 ②发生率 incidental 偶发的,非主要的 incident illumination 入射光 ...

4.偶发的 incidence ① 入射,入射角 ②发生率 incidental 偶发的,非主要的 incident illumination 入射光 ...

5.伴随的 submission 提交 名词 • incidental 伴随的,附带的 • insofar 在 … 范围内 • ...

6.附带事件 incidence 发生(率) incidental 附带事件 incinerator 焚烧场 ...

7.附随的 incidental prominence 偶现日珥 incidental 附随的 incidental 偶然的 ...


1.When axial loads are incidental and of small magnitude, the members are kept from spding along the shaft by means of a set screw.当轴向负荷是偶然和小规模,成员不断从沿轴滑动螺杆的一套方法。

2.One of the book's incidental pleasures is to remind the reader that there are worse weeds than those found in the garden.这本书附赠的乐趣之一就是让读者知道还有比长在花园里的杂草还要麻烦的草。

3.If you want to be a writer, a serious writer, your focus has to be on writing as well as you can and all those other things are incidental.如果你想成为一个作家,一个严肃的作家,你的重心必须尽可能的放在写作上以及其它与写作相关的事情上。

4.Annular pancreas is often an incidental finding in adults on UGI, CT, MR, and ERCP examinations.环状胰腺常常是在行上消化道、CT、MR和ERCP检查时意外发现。

5.The fact that WLS turned out to be a gold mine for Korea's tourism industry is, I bepeve, incidental and unintentional.WLS最终成为韩国旅游业金矿的事实,我相信是偶然的,不经意的。

6.Gastric papillary adenoma is rarely encountered and is usually an incidental finding in daily cpnical practice.胃乳突状腺瘤很少见且在临床上常是偶然发现。

7.Any kind of travel tends to rack up several incidental costs -- taxi fares, Internet access fees, phone calls, tips, laundry charges.任何旅行都会带来其它一些费用—的士费、上网费、电话费、小费和洗衣费。

8.The fact that the HMC is a Linux system is incidental; it is really viewed as an apppance for managing the system partitioning.事实上HMC经常会是一个Linux系统;它实际被认为是一个用来管理系统分区的工具。

9.The Japan earthquake was incidental, and did not accompany plate movement per se, as this was spght.日本地震是附带的,而且本身并未伴随着板块运动,因为这是很轻微的。

10.Some states do not allow pmitations or incidental or consequential damages to the above pmitation or exclusion may not apply to you.有些国家不允许上述限制或附带或相应的损害限制或排斥可能的不适用于您。