


美式发音: 英式发音: ['pɑːmə]





n.1.帕默2.【宗】(旧时带着棕榈叶做的十字架从圣地回来的)朝圣者;游方僧3.假饵钩4.同“palmer-worm. a palmer's staff”5.(玩牌等时)作弊的人;变戏法的人6.【男名】男子名1.帕默2.【宗】(旧时带着棕榈叶做的十字架从圣地回来的)朝圣者;游方僧3.假饵钩4.同“palmer-worm. a palmer's staff”5.(玩牌等时)作弊的人;变戏法的人6.【男名】男子名

n.1.Same as palmer-worm. a palmer's staff

1.帕尔默 Paki 目击证人 男性 埃及 Palmer 朝圣者 男性 古英语 Palti 我的逃跑 男性 希伯来 ...

4.帕默尔英国语言学家帕默尔Palmer)说过:"语言忠实反映了一个民族的全部历史、文化,忠实地反映了它的 各种游戏和娱乐,各种 …

5.宝马庄 一直稳坐第二把交椅的 是宝马庄(Palmer)。宝 马在1855年评级中只 获得三级顶戴,但其价 格一直立于超二级水 平。

6.帕玛路过帕玛(Palmer),帕玛是阿拉斯加农业重镇,我们没做逗留,同伴们仍然精神不济,睡得东倒西歪。在安克拉治午餐,稍作休 …

7.帕尔莫这两个项目中的帕尔莫 (Palmer) 项目,位 於交通条件良好的美国阿拉斯加州东南部,公司在这个铜锌 - 银 - 金项目上已有新的 …

8.帕墨美国知名英语教授帕墨 (Palmer) 讲得好 :" 凡能做到言简意赅的, 可称语言大师 "(Masters are those who can put much into a fe…


1.Palmer's dignity did not allow her to bandy words with her social inferiors.帕麦尔的尊严不容许她与社会地位与她低的人争吵。

2.As the media surround the hotel trying to verify reports of Palmer's death, Sherry doggedly persists in wanting to disclose the truth.媒体围在酒店周围试图核实帕默已死的报道,雪莉固执地坚持,想要把真相揭露出来。

3."These people have made a lot of money for me this year, and I thought I'd give some of it back, " Palmer said.帕莫表示:“他们今年为我赚了很多钱,我想应该回馈他们一些了。”

4.Palmer said dolefully to his wife: "I bepeve I have been ill-used and unjustly neglected as an artist, as well as in many other ways. "帕尔默曾悲哀地对妻子说:“在艺术上我一直遭受不公正的待遇,一直被忽视,在其它许多方面也是。”

5.Palmer is upset that she did not tell him about this, and alludes to a time when she deceived him seven years ago.帕默对他老婆没有把这事告诉他感到不爽,并暗指她在7年前也骗了他。

6.Novick recommends that Palmer's presence at the building will send the wrong signal even if it was not a murder.诺维克劝告他,即使这不是一起谋杀,帕默出现在事故现场也会使人产生不好的误解。

7.Palmer said the ship arrived in Manila Bay after being in accordance with the provisions of immigration and quarantine procedures.帕玛称,该舰在抵达马尼拉湾后正按照规定办理入境及检验检疫手续。

8."I know it must sound pke we are trying to build a Bat lab here, but I make no apology for that, " said Richard Palmer.“我知道,这些听起来好像我们要建立一个防卫实验室似的,对此我不会辩解什么。”理查德•帕默说到。

9.Palmer tells his wife Sherry and son Keith that he plans to admit the truth in his breakfast speech.帕默告诉他的妻子雪莉和儿子基思,他计划将在早餐会上将真相公布于众。

10.Patty asks for forgiveness, but Palmer orders her to pack up and leave the hotel immediately.派蒂请求他的宽恕,但帕默命令她收拾东西,立即离开酒店。