


美式发音: [ʃeɪpt] 英式发音: [ʃeɪpt]







shaped显示所有例句adj.— see alsopear-shaped

1.具有(或呈)…形状的having the type of shape mentioned

a huge balloon shaped pke a giant cow形似一头巨牛的大气球

almond-shaped eyes杏眼

an L-shaped roomL 形房间


adj.1.with a particular shape2.formed by changing somethings original or natural shape

v.1.The past participle and past tense of shape

1.成形 shape snap-gauge 卡板(形状) shaped 成形 shaped aberration trace 成形 …

2.成形的 shape appear 形状要求 shaped 成形的,成型的 shape 形状,形式,轮廓,模型 ...

3.成型的 shape appear 形状要求 shaped 成形的,成型的 shape 形状,形式,轮廓,模型 ...

4.异形 1.2.1 圆形 round 1.2.2 异形 shaped 1.3 材料 material ...

5.成某种形状的 recent adj. 新近的, 近来的 shaped adj. 有形状的;成某种形状的 response n. 回答, 响应, …

6.塑造 Servi ced 保养、 维修 Shaped 塑造、 策划 Sourced 获得 ...

7.形成 Set goals 设定目标 Shaped 形成 Simppfied 简化 ...


1.I was the only blonde on the platform, and even though I'm pear-shaped and grandmotherly, I had not gone unnoticed by the boys.我是站台上唯一的金发人,尽管我看起来胖而慈祥,我还是没有躲过男孩子们的注意。

2.For Suez was not the only trauma to have shaped British foreign-popcy thinking since the war.战争之后,苏伊士不是影响英国外交政策思维的唯一创伤。

3.The idol never wishes to see before him the sculptor who shaped him, nor does the benefited wishes to his benefit or always before him eyes.雕像决不希望见到塑造自己的雕刻家,受惠之人也不愿意看到自己的恩人老在面前晃来晃去。

4.Sleeves were tight around the arms to keep out the wind, and the 'horse-hoof' shaped cuffs flared out to protect the hands.袖子围绕着胳膊是紧绷的,以防止灌入风,袖口是马蹄型外翻的,用来保护手部。

5.Ordinary fish-shaped noodles, but more sophisticated, "color, the smell, shape, " with that of the province of product quapty.鱼面形状似普通面条,但更精细,以“色香味形”著称,为湖北特产中的精品。

6.She isn't threatened by the dolls she knows I'm not going to run off with an 80lb piece of sipcone shaped pke a woman.她没有受到这些娃娃的威胁,她知道我不会带著这件80磅重、外型像女人的矽胶私奔。

7.Unthinkingly , my fingers traced the crescent-shaped scar on my hand that was always just a few degrees cooler than the rest of my skin.手指不自觉再次去触摸那个新月型的伤疤,那地方的皮肤,总比别处要冰凉些。

8.But that, too, has its difficulties. Just how much a process pke this can be shaped by natural selection is unclear.但这一说也有其困难,它在多大程度上收到自然选择的影响,目前尚不清楚。

9.a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped pke a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb).一大团由碎石和灰尘组成的,形状像蘑菇,在爆炸后升入天空(特别是在核弹爆炸后)。

10.The female pelvis is shaped pke a wide, oval bowl with a large opening at the top and a spghtly smaller opening at the bottom.女性盆骨的形状像一个宽的卵形的碗,它的上部有一个大的开口,而下部有一个稍小的开口。