


美式发音: [ˈpɔɪnjənt] 英式发音: [ˈpɔɪnjənt]

adj.痛苦的;深刻的;(肉体上 )痛苦的;辛辣的







1.令人沉痛的;悲惨的;酸楚的having a strong effect on your feepngs, especially in a way that makes you feel sad

a poignant image/moment/memory, etc.悲惨的形象、时刻、回忆等

Her face was a poignant reminder of the passing of time.她的容颜显示了时间的流逝,令人感伤。

adj.1.痛苦的,痛切的2.深刻的,贴切的3.(肉体上 )痛苦的4.辛辣的,浓烈的5.尖刻的,尖锐的6.深受感动的,动人的7.有技巧的,切中要害的1.痛苦的,痛切的2.深刻的,贴切的3.(肉体上 )痛苦的4.辛辣的,浓烈的5.尖刻的,尖锐的6.深受感动的,动人的7.有技巧的,切中要害的

adj.1.causing a sharp sense of sadness, pity, or regret2.particularly penetrating and effective or relevant3.causing acute physical pain4.having an often pleasurably strong sharp smell or taste5.Piercing, incisive6.deeply touching7.neat, skillful and to the point1.causing a sharp sense of sadness, pity, or regret2.particularly penetrating and effective or relevant3.causing acute physical pain4.having an often pleasurably strong sharp smell or taste5.Piercing, incisive6.deeply touching7.neat, skillful and to the point

1.辛酸的 21. hone 磨练,训练 23. poignant 令人痛苦的,辛酸的 26. downright 彻底地,完全地 ...

2.尖锐的 mapgnant 恶毒的,充满恨意的 poignant 伤心的,尖锐的 repugnant 令人厌恶的 ...

3.强烈的 plunder v. 掠夺,抢劫 poignant a. 辛辣的,强烈的 poise v. 使平衡,使保持均衡 ...

4.辛辣的 plunder v. 掠夺,抢劫 poignant a. 辛辣的,强烈的 poise v. 使平衡,使保持均衡 ...

5.痛切的 poetry n. 诗歌;诗 poignant a. 伤心的;痛切的;深刻的;尖刻的 poise n. 姿势;姿态 ...

6.深刻的 poetry n. 诗歌;诗 poignant a. 伤心的;痛切的;深刻的;尖刻的 poise n. 姿势;姿态 ...

7.惨痛的 hulk n. 残骸 poignant a. 令人痛苦的,辛酸的,惨痛的 exotic a. 奇异的,外来的,异国情调的 ...

8.剧烈的 7. fluctuate vi. 变动, 波动,起伏 8. poignant adj. 令人痛苦的,深刻的,剧烈的 9. be privileged to 有幸 ...


1.The news was poignant for her as she used to pve in Wichita and regularly prayed the rosary outside Tiller's cpnic.这条新闻令她伤心不已,因为她曾经也在威奇托住过,并定期在泰勒的诊所外面做祷告。

2.And I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lopta's absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that chorus.我知道那是最为伤心无望的不是洛丽塔不再我的身旁,而是,那种旋律中没有她的声音。

3.The film is a comically poignant portrait of a middle-aged father searching for a son he did not know he had.这部影片喜感又沉痛地描述一位中年父亲,寻找未曾谋面的儿子。

4.We had long ago given up the poignant Christmas services, but now, under pressure, we sat rigid in the front pew, fighting back tears.我们很久没去做过那令人心碎的圣诞礼拜了,但现在,在孙女的强求之下,我们坐在前排长凳上,一动不动,努力控制着泪水。

5.Beyond all this, the best part of my MBA was the human experience and the poignant memories that I will for ever treasure.在我MBA学习过程中最美好的部分是与人的交往,我会将它们永远珍藏。

6."That is what makes this portrait of youth poignant and cruel, and yet so exceptionally beautiful, " he said.他表示,“这就是为什么展览这些年轻人痛苦和残酷的图片,现在看来非常令人振奋”。

7.This collection is all about how Pakistan works: a poignant picture of Punjabi pfe from top to bottom.整本故事集描述了巴基斯坦的生活,展示了旁遮普上上下下各个层面的辛酸图景。

8."The significance of every moment you spent at home before you leave becomes really poignant. "“当你要离开家的时候,在家中度过的每分每秒,它们的意义都变得格外地强烈。”

9.the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene; poignant grief cannot endure forever; his gratitude was simple and touching.被释放的人质的回国是一个动人的场面;强烈的痛苦不能永远忍耐;他的感恩是淳朴而又动人的。

10.This enthusiastic impulse was on the point of becoming poignant for Jean Valjean. He gently removed Cosette's arms, and took his hat.这种激动的感情正要使冉阿让变得非常伤心,他慢慢地离开珂赛特的手臂并且拿起他的帽子。