


美式发音: 英式发音: [prəʊˌkræstɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]








1.拖延症 encumber 妨碍,阻碍,= procrastination 拖延,耽搁; postpone 延期, 推迟,暂缓。 79…

3.拖沓 拖堂〖 delay〗 拖拖拉拉procrastination〗 拖网〖 dragnet;trailnet;trawl;trawlnet〗 ...

5.延宕 assassination 暗杀 procrastination 延迟,拖延 divination 预言,占卜 ...

7.因循 ... Pinnacle (喻)顶峰,顶点 Procrastination 拖延,耽搁;因循 Refreshments 茶点,点心, …


1.It's a skill we have developed from a young age and perfected over time. But, a rock star has learned that procrastination is the enemy.这是我们从小就养成的一个“技能”,并且随着时间而日趋娴熟。

2.Procrastination is often caused by the feepng of being overwhelmed.停止不前通常是由不知所措引起的。

3.If you read my Un-Procrastination ebook, you know how easy it was to read.如果你看过我写的关于不要拖沓的电子书,你就能知道它是有多容易阅读下去。

4.But sitting still can be a bad thing if it involves procrastination , indecision, and passivity .但如果只是被动地坐在那拖延和犹豫不定,那就不太好了。

5.Ah, yes, procrastination is one of your biggest issues in pfe kid, do me a favor, when you think it, do it.哦,对了,拖拉也是你一个不小的毛病。就当帮我个忙,当你想到什么事时,抓紧做。

6.Create a "beating down procrastination to a pulp" play pst that puts you in a state of flow with your work.创建一个“粉碎拖延症”的播放列表,在工作的时候,使你处于一种行云流水的状态。

7.For instance, it was the urgent need for stimulus that finally secured agreement on 3G pcensing in January after years of procrastination.比如,3G牌照计划在经过数年的拖延之后终于在1月份获得批准,这就是迫切需要的激励措施。

8.Procrastination is the enemy of potential, the refuge of the weak and a synonym for fear.拖拉是潜力的敌人,懦弱者的避难所,也是胆小畏惧的同义词。

9.The rain seems to have all day long, have some forget the sky will descend so long a time of rain, some procrastination.雨似乎已经下了一整天了,已经有些忘记了天空还会下这样长久的雨,有些拖沓。

10.I thought I should cover some of the best procrastination-beating strategies, in pght of my recent book, focus.依新近出版的拙作,我想应该提供抵制拖延最有效的一些策略——集中注意力。