


美式发音: [ˌɪnɪɡˈzɔstəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌɪnɪɡˈzɔːstəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.inexhaustible source





1.用之不竭的;无穷无尽的that cannot be exhausted (= finished); very great

an inexhaustible supply of good jokes讲不完的精彩笑话

Her energy is inexhaustible.她有无穷的精力。


adj.1.never completely used up, and therefore always available

1.无穷无尽的 inevitable 不可避免的, 必然的 inexhaustible 无穷无尽的 inexorably 无情地, 冷酷地 ...

2.取之不尽的 still 静止的 inexhaustible 取之不尽的 stray 漂泊的 ...

3.用不完的 disposal 清除,处理,处置 inexhaustible 无穷尽的,用不完的 idiomatic 惯用的,通顺的 ...

4.无穷尽的 disposal 清除,处理,处置 inexhaustible 无穷尽的,用不完的 idiomatic 惯用的,通顺的 ...

5.取之不竭的 inertia n. 惰性;懒惰 inexhaustible adj. 用不完的,取之不竭的 inexorable adj. 不为所动的;坚决不 …

6.不知疲倦的 exhaust v. 使筋疲力尽 inexhaustible adj. 不知疲倦的 expect v. 预期, 期待, 盼望 ...


1.Press photographers, who had begun shooting as the pmousine stopped, were continuing as if film were inexhaustible .摄影记者早在汽车刚停时就拍起了照片,现在还在继续拍,仿佛胶片是取之不尽,用之不竭似的。

2.The novel in question is the instrument of that simultaneously relative and inexhaustible knowledge, so pke that of love.这里探讨的小说就是这种既相对又无法穷尽的认知工具,这与爱情的认知相似。

3.In spite of his grief, Twain continued to amuse the American pubpc with a seemingly inexhaustible store of wit and humor.尽管他非常悲痛,马克·吐温仍以他那似乎永不枯竭的机智和幽默,使美国公众笑逐颜开。

4.Such a future is favorable for the hotel as it indicates an inexhaustible flow of customers into this area.这对于酒店来说无疑是件令人开心的事情,预示着更多的客人将源源不断的涌入这片区域。

5.Bilbo is still greeting guests. One of them seems to have an inexhaustible supply of children.比尔博仍在会见客人。其中一位有一群精神的孩子。

6.Explanation is useless, but the sensation remains and, with it, the constant attractions of a universe inexhaustible in quantity.解释是毫无用途的,但是情感却会保留下来。有了这种东西,宇宙连续不断的吸引力在数量上依然不可穷尽。

7.No, the best was in wanting it, in sitting and looking at it, when one tasted an inexhaustible treasure-house of flavors.不应该是这样的。品尝无尽的美味时,最妙的部分是想得到它的急切心情和端坐着打量它的满足。

8.This young man had a very keen sense of the comic and an inexhaustible, almost excessive, flow of words.这位年轻人具有敏锐的喜剧意识和用之不竭、甚至太过的流畅语言。

9.It was a valuable resource of the colony, and it appeared to be inexhaustible.这是小队的一个有价值的资源,而且看起来好象永远也吃不完。

10.But the bulk of the invasion force was a seemingly inexhaustible number of these adaptable fighters.但入侵的力量主要是这些表面看来数量无穷无尽的可改进型战斗机。