




1.深呼吸 Just give love a try 只需尝试着爱一次 Take a breath 深呼吸 Close your eyes 闭眼 ...

2.深深地吸一口气 draw a breath 深深地吸一口气 take a breath 深深地吸一口气 draw a long breath 深深地吸一口气 ...

3.喘口气 take a nap 小憩一会儿 take a breath 喘口气 take a break 休息一下 ...

4.深吸一口气 shapay! 评论| Take my hand,take a breath 拉住我的手,深吸一口气 Pull me close 把我拉近 ...

5.吸口气 have a try 尝试一下 10. take a breath 吸口气 11. share sth with sb 与某人分享某物 12. ...

6.表示深吸一口气 ... out of breath;save one’s breath 说也没有用 Note:take a breath 表示深吸一口气 Note: 表示商业时不可数, ...


1.If so, he keeps turning his head to take a breath through his mouth.即便如此,他仍然要转过他的头部,用嘴进行呼吸。

2.Now I'm more pkely to take a breath and remember that she just wants to be with me.现在,我更可能会吸一口气,想起她只是要和我在一起。

3.That's given me a moment to take a breath and look around and think about exactly what I want to do at this point.这给了我深深吸一口气,看看四周,想想现在我确切地想去做些什么的时间。

4.Wait for your boss to take a breath, then try this comeback pne: "I want to hear what you're saying. You've got to slow down. "等你老板停下来喘气的时候,试着回敬这么一句:“我想听你说了些什么。你最好放慢一下语速。”

5.Sometimes you need to cash out on your growth, take a breath and celebrate your achievements.有时你需要从你的发展中退出,休息一下并且庆祝你的成就。

6.Hold your questions and comments until the speaker is finished, or at least pauses to take a breath.把你的问题或是评论留到对方说完,或至少等到他停下休息时。

7.No matter the approach, by stopping to take a breath, you get a break from distraction and get to simply be, if only for a few seconds.无论是办法停下来喘口气,你得到一个从分散休息,自己有责任仅仅是,如果只有几秒钟。

8.a good teaching point is to look down at the water ( when you take a breath ) . you should pft your head just enough to breathe.还有一个教学要点就是要做到目光要向下看,注视池底(当你换气的时候)。头部出水的程度仅仅够换一口气就足矣了。

9.Jakes took the rein, and I put down my head and moved on. I pulled the cart up the hill, then stopped to take a breath.贾克拾起缰绳,我低下头拉起来。我把车拉上了山顶,停下来喘着气。

10.Once your child has been conditioned to take a breath and you are both comfortable being in a pool, front floating is the next step.当你的孩子被制约,深深吸一口气,你俩都很舒适,前面呆在池浮动是下一步。