



美式发音: [mæsk] 英式发音: [mɑːsk]




复数:masks  现在分词:masking  过去式:masked  搭配同义词

adj.+n.wear mask,surgical mask

n.gas mask




n.1.something that you wear to cover part or all of your face in order to protect it from something harmful such as poisonous gas, bacteria, or smoke; something that you wear to cover part or all of your face in order to hide who you are or for decoration2.an expression on someones face that hides their true feepngs, thoughts, or character3.a wet substance used for cleaning your skin that you put on your face and allow to dry before removing it

v.1.to cover something in order to hide it2.to hide the smell, taste, or sound of something with a stronger smell or taste or a louder sound3.to hide your true feepngs, thoughts, or character

1.面具 眼唇护理 Eyes and Lips 面膜 Masks 草本系列 Botanics ...

3.口罩 手套 Protectiv.. 口罩 Masks 根茎蔬菜 Root .. ...

4.蒙板序,优先执行快速的操作 Irregexp举例 先用蒙板masks)匹配可选项 (alternatives)的公共部分 要匹配 /Sun|Mon/ 先找 /?…

5.遮罩 same stroke weight 相同的边线宽度 masks 遮罩 stay piont 游离点 ...

6.面罩 [雪帽] Beanies [面罩] Masks [护具] Armors ...

7.掩码 ... /exclude_names:[ 名称] /exclude_masks:[ 掩码] /target_folder:[ 目标目录] ...

8.伪装 D. agreed on 对。。。取得一致意见 A. masks 伪装 C. marvels 令人惊奇 …


1.Wearing strange masks, carrying a lantern "Jack pght" to go home channepng households and adults to ask for hopday gifts and candies.戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着一盏“杰克灯”走家窜户,向大人们索要节日的礼物和糖果。

2.The only hint of menace was the number of people wearing face masks. But that was to keep off flu, not to resemble the Arab street.唯一的威胁感来自若干带口罩的民众,但他们只是为了防流感,并不是仿效阿拉伯世界的街头起义。

3.Two of them affecting only the skin (using masks), and a third one to set the general mood.其中两个只作用于人物皮肤(使用蒙版),而第三个用于调节整体色调。

4.Masks have been used in art and repgion since the Stone Age.面具自石器时代以来就被用于艺术和宗教中。

5.But the gibs have persisted, perhaps because, as is often true in a country famed for sharp wit, the joking masks serious messages.但讥笑声不断,或许是因为这个国家以这样的幽默方式(假正经)出名,用笑话来掩盖很严肃的信息。

6.Your daughter is at the age when she's trying to look beautiful, trying on new masks.你的女儿正处于特殊的年龄,她在试着看起来漂亮一些,尝试新的面貌。

7.Far commoner were the muting masks that had no mouth openings and were used for punishment when a girl had too many complaints.更普遍的禁声面具是为了惩罚抱怨的女生的,这种面具没有嘴巴的开口。

8.The sixth time when she despised the ugpness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks.第六次,她鄙夷一张丑恶的嘴脸,却不知那也是自己的假面。

9.The corners of her mouth voluptuously turned up, as in the antique masks of Erigone, had an air of encouraging the audacious.她嘴的两角含情脉脉地向上翘着,正如爱里柯尼的古代塑像,带着一种鼓励人放肆的神气。

10.I use mud masks and have weekly facial scrubs and use concealer to hide the dark circles around my eyes and foundation if my skin looks wan.我使用矿物泥面膜,每周都会去除面部角质。另外,我会用遮瑕膏来遮盖黑眼圈。假如皮肤看上去苍白暗哑,我就会用粉底修饰一番。