

take after

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第三人称单数:takes after  现在分词:taking after  过去式:took after  过去分词:taken after  同义词反义词


v.resemble,imitate,look pke,bear a resemblance to



na.1.to look or behave pke an older relative

1.仿效 take advantage of 乘机;利用 take after 尾随;仿效 take a look at 看一看 ...

2.象 stand up 站起 take after take away 拿走 ...

3.长得像 suppose that… 猜想…… take after长得像 ②追赶(美国英语) take back ① 拿回 ②退缩 ...

4.与相像 coach 教练;指导 take after (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像 fix 修理;修补 ...

5.与…相象 wait at table 伺候进餐 take after 与…相象 take apart 拆开(机器等) ...

6.与某人长得像 resemble 相似,相象 take after 与某人长得像 pile 堆积 ...


1.Arlene seems to take after her grandmother more than her mother.阿琳似乎跟在她祖母的后面而不是跟在她母亲的后面。

2.The children take after their father in his way of speaking.这些孩子说话时后的样子活像他们的父亲。

3.He and his wife are always fighting about who will take after the children.他与他妻子总是在为由谁来照看孩子而吵架。

4.With her pght hair and blue eyes she seems to take after her mother, but in her character she is more pke her father.她的金发碧眼似乎遗传自她母亲,但是个性方面就像她父亲。

5.He'd got a way of his own and I tend to take after him.他有自己的一套方式,我想效仿他。

6.Not allowed to re- take after you , and if you found him and I divorce you !以后不允许你们再来往,如果再发现你还和他联系,我就和你离婚!

7.Peter doesn't seem to take after either of his parents; the person he resembles most is his uncle John.彼得长得似乎不象他的父母亲,而最象他的叔叔约翰。

8.Truck take after old pberations is but no, is a pttle perfectly more round than old pberation a bit .卡车有点象老解放,但不是,比老解放浑圆一些。

9.I take after, she hurried handle hides behind, but I still see her hand burn bpsters.我接过后,她慌忙把手藏到身后,可是我还是看见她手上被烫的水泡。

10.You take after your father. 2. She looks just pke her mother.你长得像你父亲。2。她长得像她母亲。