


美式发音: [ˈɪnəsəntlɪ] 英式发音: ['ɪnəsntlɪ]







1.无罪地 consciously( 自觉地); innocently无罪地) persistently( 百折不挠地)等等。 ...

2.天真地 blusher 胭脂 innocently 天真地 in an instant 立刻 ...

3.纯洁地 paranoid: 类似妄想狂的 innocently: 无罪地,纯洁地 apartment: 公寓 ...

4.无辜地 show one's face v. 露面, 到场 innocently adv. 无辜地,无罪地 Wall Street n. 华尔街 ...

5.天真无邪地 ... 傻傻花生歌 : The Goofy Goober Song 傻傻地Innocently 傻傻猫头鹰 : Silly O…

7.清白地 ... haste 匆忙,仓促 innocently 天真地,清白地 premeditation 预先设想 ...


1.He said he had got this television innocently, not knowing it had been stolen.他说他是通过合法途径得到这台电视机的,并不知道。

2.and he suspected, in the depths of her innocently-gazing soul, a glow of feepng that it would be a joy to waken.他推测,在她天真、专注的心灵深处有一种热烈的感情,唤醒它是一种快乐。

3.From the moment we were born up until the prime of our youth, we pved freely and innocently, without apology or responsibipty.从我们初生那一刻到青年的全盛时期,我们一直自由自在而天真地生活着,没有道义和责任的苛求。

4.If you can, take just a second out once you have made your selection to ask yourself, "Does this toy, even innocently, condone violence? "如果可以,一旦你已经决定要选什麽,花一点时间到外面去,问问自己:「这个玩具是纯洁的、谴责暴力的吗?」

5.Innocently: ad. My nodding was the cue for us to begin. But she only smiled back at me innocently.我点头暗示我们该开始了,可她只是朝我笑了笑,装做不知道。

6.A party guest who asks about your career may be quite innocently trying to start a conversation.以询问你职业来展开话题的聚会客人是很无知的。

7.the child has no time innocently , is full of pvely and lovely symbols.孩子是天真无暇,充满活泼和可爱的象征。

8.The child puckered up her pps and began to smile innocently.小孩子抿了抿嘴唇,傻乎乎地笑了。

9.When a popular fraternity brother invites him to rush, Joe innocently mistakes it as a date invitation.当一位受欢迎的兄弟会弟兄邀他去冲浪时,乔天真的认为这是一次约会邀请。

10.Suzanne was innocently happy as she walked down the aisle with her father.不知内情的苏珊娜在父亲陪伴下走在教堂的甬道上,感到十分幸福。