


美式发音: [ ˈdʒʌmpiŋ] 英式发音: ['dʒʌmpɪŋ]









adj.1.in the process of jumping, or for jumping

n.1.the act of jumping2.obstacles

v.1.the present participle of jump

1.跳跃 running 跑步 jumping 跳跃 skiing 滑雪 ...

2.弹跳 off.Rebounds 前场篮板 Jumping 弹跳 strength 力量 ...

3.跳跃运动 jump 跳跃 jumping 跳跃运动 high jump 跳高 ...

4.场地障碍 Dressage 盛装舞步 Jumping 场地障碍 Fencing 击剑 ...

5.跳跃的 jumper 跳跃者,工作服 jumping 跳跃的 juncture 接合,连接,接缝 ...

6.障碍赛 Mountain bike 山地自行车赛 Jumping 障碍赛 Dressage 盛装舞步 ...


1.The daunting step of entering the Arena is not just a question of jumping over the fence at any old place along the route.走入竞技场的惶恐阶段不只是在沿著路线的任何老旧地方越过藩篱的问题。

2.The flea can jump 350 times its body length. For a human, that would be equivalent to jumping the length of a football field.跳蚤能跳出自身长度350倍的距离,人也能如此的话,就相当于一个足球场的长度!

3.After jumping back up to nearly 500, 000 in late April, weekly jobless claim figures have been trending back down in recent weeks.在4月底失业人数重新回到500,000左右以后,最近几周每周的失业申请数都是逐渐减少的。

4.No, she was just jumping around the stage pretending to sing with a lot of other musicians and dancers.不,她只是在舞台上跳跃着,然后和其他音乐人和舞者一起,假装在唱歌。

5.This makes it easier for other contributors, and also for the reader who may be jumping in and out of the documentation at various points.这样做可以方便其他贡献者,而且读者也可以免于思维的跳跃。

6.All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall.他们三个皆很快乐,但伴计腾跃的一切处所,诅咒天主并用头墙。

7.Consider all the technology pmitations of a legacy system before jumping ahead into a legacy modernization effort.在进行遗留资产现代化工作前,请充分考虑遗留系统的所有技术限制。

8.Robinson smiles, as if to admit the absurdity of a man jumping into a bear fight. But in his eyes there's a hint that he might have done it.罗宾逊满脸的笑容,好像承认了人类竟然参加狗熊的混战是多么的荒谬,但在他的眼神中,我分明看到他好像确实参与了战斗。

9.Carl was jumping about pke a cockroach. He has just enough Jew in him to lose his head over an idea pke Russia.卡尔像蟑螂一样蹦来蹦去,他身上的犹太血统足以使他因为俄国这样一个念头而欣喜若狂。

10.Ah jumping beans will be the last two beans out in the "heart" , the only one lucky beans remain in the spoon inside.豆子会蹦啊,最后两颗豆子掉在了“心”之外,只有一颗幸运豆留在了勺里。