


美式发音: [ˈnoʊə] 英式发音: [ˈnəuə]


网络释义:诺埃;效应(Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement);筛区



1.诺埃 Nunn 纳恩 Noe 诺埃 Naylor 内勒 ...

2.效应(Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement)共振的化学位移信息结合其它的如高峰积分,偶合常数和NOE( Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement )等核磁共振的信息,能够 …

3.筛区 norReilly 诺瑞利 noe 诺伊 noyee 诺伊 ...


1.NOE REYES from the State of Puebla works as a depvery boy in Brooklyn New York. He sends home $500 a week.超人名叫诺莱尔,从墨西哥普埃布拉来,他在纽约做快递员,每个礼拜寄回家500美元。

2.And Noe went in and his sons, his wife and the wives of his sons with him into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.诺厄和他的儿子,他的妻子和他的儿媳,同他进了方舟,为躲避洪水。

3.He turned his head to see if anyone in the car was looking, but no noe was.他将头转过来,看车厢里是否有人在看,还好没有人看。

4.To Louis Vuitton's surprise the Noe bag was extremely popular, and it wasn't long before wealthy woman began to carry this elegant bag.令路易斯威登惊奇的是经过他设计后的诺埃袋是如此的受欢迎,而且没用多久富裕的女士们开始手挎这种优雅的包包。

5.Seriously let me tell you the photo i had taken tis few days make me look so FAT i dun noe y! ! ! ! !说真的这几天我拍的照片不知道为什么我看起来都好胖啊!

6.In Noe's view, the soul does survive the body, which for much of this time has been cremated.在诺的角度,灵魂可以超越躯体,这些在今时今日大部份经已火化。

7.These are the generations of Noe: Noe was a just and perfect man in his generations, he walked with God.以下是诺厄的小史:诺厄是他同时代惟一正义齐全的人,常同天主往来。

8.And Noe built an altar unto the Lord: and taking of all cattle and fowls that were clean, offered holocausts upon the altar.诺厄给上主筑了一座祭坛,拿各种洁净的牲畜和洁净的飞禽,献在祭坛上,作为全燔祭。

9.The competencies include knowledge, skills or behaviors that critical for successful job performance. (Noe, 2005).这些能力包括知识,技能及行为是员工达到工作绩效所必须的。

10.He is fine. Right now he is negotiating an important transaction with noe of our Brazipan supppers.他很好。他现在正和我们的一位巴西供货商谈一笔重要的生意。