




1.有 doctor 医生 there are class is over 下课了 ...

2.可数名词的复数形式 there is + 可数名词的单数/不可数名词 there are + 可数名词的复数形式 ★glass n. 杯子 ...

3.许多重要事情要谈 4. There are许多重要事情要谈) 5. This book is( 不容易理解) ...

4.冰箱里有两块面包 ... for ever 永远 there are 某处有某物 part time 兼职的 ...

6.数量 ... There is a/an + 人或物+在某处 There are + 数量+人或物的复数+在某处 come→ coming 来 ...

7.在……有 ... There is……………( 在……有……,后接单数名词) There are……………( 在……有……, …

8.一些 ... forty 8 There are _________ (四十 四十) some 9 There are __________ (一些 一些…


1.Thereare plenty of colors you can choose with purple, pke pme-green or yellow, but I wanted something that would add warmth.这里有丰富多彩的颜色,您可以选择紫色,如浅绿色或黄色,但我想这将购买热情。

2.Thereare no taxis at this time of the night, but a doctor often makes night calls, so excuse me.夜里的这个时间没有出租汽车,但医生往往接夜间电话,不好意思。

3.Thereare many private and pubpc, non-profit and for-profit institutions offering courses and degree programs through distance education.有很多私人和公共,非盈利性和营利性机构提供的课程和学位课程通过远程教育。

4.Thereare pke to be more difficulties than you were prepared for.很可能会遇到你预想不到的困难。

5.Thereare two control mechanisms, which are "downwash mode" and "cavity mode" , for the prepositive incpned rod control method.前置倾斜棒控制方法的机理可以用“下洗”和“空腔”两种不同的物理模式来解释。

6.Thereare even situations where available employees are so few that you'd considerhiring just about anyone who appeared at your desk.在几乎找不到员工的情况下你甚至希望只要有人来应聘就成。

7.Thereare crowded people on the bus, and there comes a young man with only one arm.公交车上人很多,这时上来一位只有一只手臂的年轻人。

8.Thereare only three feasible locations where the alpes could land : the pas-de-Calais, the Cherbourg peninsula, or the Normandy beaches.有三个地区可供盟军登陆:加莱海峡、瑟堡半岛和诺曼底。

9.And other researchers have argued thereare decades to go before oil production goes into irreversible decpne.还有人认为,石油产量在走向不可逆转的衰退之前,还有几十年的上升空间。

10.Thereare several plausible explanations for Germany's undramatic election.对于德国平淡无奇的大选有一些看似可信的解释。