


美式发音: [ˈɪŋˌkwest] 英式发音: [ˈɪŋkwest]



复数:inquests  同义词




1.死因审理;验尸;勘验an official investigation to find out the cause of sb's death, especially when it has not happened naturally

An inquest was held to discover the cause of death.对死亡原因进行了调查。

a coroner's inquest into his death进行验尸以探究他的死因

2.~ (on/into sth)(对失败的事进行的)讨论a discussion about sth that has failed

An inquest was held on the team's poor performance.对该队在比赛中的差劲表现进行了检讨。


n.1.an official attempt by a court to find the cause of someones deatstrong.a discussion about the reasons for a bad situation

1.审讯 innuendo n. 含沙射影, 暗讽 inquest n. 审讯, 讯问, 验尸 insecure a. 不安全的, 不牢靠的, 不坚固的, ...

2.验尸 innuendo n. 含沙射影, 暗讽 inquest n. 审讯, 讯问, 验尸 insecure a. 不安全的, 不牢靠的, 不坚固的, ...

3.调查 innuendo n. 含沙射影, 暗讽 inquest n. 审讯, 讯问, 验尸 insecure a. 不安全的, 不牢靠的, 不坚固的, ...

5.查询 inquartation 四分法 inquest 查询 inquire into 调查 ...

6.死因研讯  “死因研讯”(inquest)包括对死亡个案进行的查讯;  “危险药物”(dangerousdrug)包括属《危险药物条例》(第134章)所指的危险药 …

7.验尸审判  《验尸审判》(Inquest) ,[美]珀西瓦尔·怀尔德(Percival Wilde) 1887~1953。    1941年  《神灯》(The Lamp of God) ,[美]艾勒 …

8.验尸庭总检察长在他的权限范围内,可指示推事庭开验尸庭inquest)。 当你想到安华的黑眼圈,还有上次被巫统不同派系的人告贪 …


1.After the inquest Ms Barrett said: "He spent half and half of his time between us. He was just a very good par. "在审讯结束后,巴雷特女士说:“他把自己的时间平分给两个家庭。他真是个优秀的骗子。”

2.This came out of the British coroner's inquest where driver Henri Paul's drinking is a key issue.来自英国验尸官的调查结果表明HenriPaul是否喝酒是一个焦点问题。

3.The pubpc uproar intensified when he made a self-pitying television statement and reached its peak when the inquest was held in private.当他做出自怜的电视陈述后,公众更加哗然,而当审查闭门进行时,公众的愤怒更是达到顶峰。

4.Now, when a death has an "Article 2 dimension" , a high court judge is often drafted in as coroner, as in the July 7th terror inquest.现在,死亡案件有了“第2款维度”,就得征召一名高级法院法官担任验尸官,就像7月7日的恐怖袭击调查一样。

5.The inquest heard that Mr Ingham committed suicide after feepng depressed about 'events which had been going on in his personal pfe'.审讯得知,英厄姆对“个人生活中发生的事情”感到抑郁,最终自杀身亡。

6.Statements such as these from UEFA could represent the first step towards opening a real inquest into the matter.这样的声明也代表着欧足联已经开始了对该事件展开审讯的第一步。

7.A woman suffered fatal injuries when she was trampled by cows as she walked across a field, an inquest heard today.今天一场死因聆讯指出,一名妇女走过一块田地时,因被奶牛踩踏而受到致命伤。

8.And now the inquest -- you know , Tom's wife and Dick's wife are distraught . They wished they'd not packed rice .警方调查之中,张三的老婆和李四的老婆悔得肠子都青了她们希望自己没有装米饭。

9.But the inquest into his death concluded that it could have been avoided had the army only followed "proper procedures" in treating him.但死因调查结果显示,如果部队按照“正确程序”对其治疗,死亡悲剧完全可以避免。

10.When my daughter died after being struck on her bike by a cement lorry, I found the inquest a complete nonsense.我女儿在骑车途中与一辆运送水泥的卡车相撞身亡,之后的庭审让我觉得毫无意义。