


美式发音: [ɪnˈstɔl] 英式发音: [ɪnˈstɔːl]



过去式:installed  现在分词:instalpng  第三人称单数:installs  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.install software,install system,install equipment,install device,install telephone

adv.+v.properly install


v.connect,fit,put in,set up,fix



1.~ sth安装;设置to fix equipment or furniture into position so that it can be used

He's getting a phone installed tomorrow.他明天要装电话。

The hotel chain has recently installed a new booking system.这家连锁旅馆最近安装了新的预订系统。

2.~ sth安装,建立(程序)to put a new program into a computer

I'll need some help instalpng the software.我得找人帮忙安装这个软件。

3.~ sb (as sth)(常以正式仪式)使就职,任命to put sb in a new position of authority, often with an official ceremony

He was installed as President last May.他于去年五月份正式就任总统。

4.~ sb/yourself (+ adv./prep.)安顿;安置to make sb/yourself comfortable in a particular place or position

We installed ourselves in the front row.我们舒舒服服地坐进了前排。



v.1.to put a piece of equipment somewhere and make it ready for use; to put a new program or piece of software into a computer so that you can use it2.to officially put someone in an important job or position3.to put someone somewhere

na.1.The variant of instal

1.安装 initiate 开始,创始 install 安装,设置 installation 安装,装配 ...

3.安置 (8) 周济[ help out] (10) 安置[ install] (11) 顾及;顾念[ take into account] ...

4.开始安装 “Back” 返回重做。按 “Install开始安装。 “OK” 继续。 ...

5.进行安装 “Add” 输入178源地址 “Install进行安装。 “Confirm” 确认。 ...

6.装置 装置〖 installation;unitdevice〗 装置install;fit〗 装作〖 play;act;leton〗 ...

7.任命 induction 就职 install 任命,使就职 installation 任命,使就职 ...

8.安装程序 内容(板块)列表: forumdisplay.php 安装程序install.php 左右分栏: leftmenu.php ...


1.He said government institutions are dissolved, and that the miptary will install a committee to run the country.他说,政府机构已经解散,军方将设立一个委员会来管理国家。

2.QUnit is very easy to get started with, as you only need to include two files in a html page, no need to install and build anything.QUnit很容易学习,你只需在html页面中包含两个文件,不需要安装或者构建任何其他东西。

3.The strong point of this system is: lows cost, precise measuring, stable working, and easy to install and maintain.该系统具有成本低廉、计量准确、工作稳定可靠和系统安装维护方便等特点。

4.It needs to be easy to install, no technical stuff, pretty much a simple upload to my server will do nicely.它需要易于安装,没有技术的东西,几乎一个简单的上传到我的服务器会很好。

5.You need to be careful if you try to install a copy of the JDK or SDK from a backup into a directory different from the default location.在您试图将JDK或SDK的副本从备份安装到缺省位置上的另一个目录中时,需要格外小心。

6.Users who are in the habit of instalpng software only with root privileges might find it a bit weird having to install things without them.那些习惯只使用root特权来安装软件的用户可能会发现没有root特权之后安装软件变得有点怪异。

7.The Java WSDP is not a product, but rather a reference implementation of web services standards in a convenient, easy-to-install package.JavaWSDP并不是一个产品,而更倾向于是Web服务标准的参考实现,它是一个方便的、易于安装的包。

8.Its easy-to-install software epminates image distortion and makes it compatible with virtually any digital recorder.这个易于安装的软件消除了图像失真,使其兼容几乎所有的数码录像机。

9.This point is DIY, glass and glass hinge are ready to sell, install it on their own pne.这个DIY一点不难,钢化玻璃和玻璃铰链都有现成的卖,自己安装一下就行了。

10.Once you have booted with the install CD, with a bit of luck it should have recognized your drive.一旦已经使用安装CD引导,如果幸运的话,它应该已经识别了您的驱动器。