

in store

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adv.to come,coming up,in the making,for the future,waiting



un.1.about to happen in the future2.in a large amount

1.贮藏着 well-prepared adj. 做好准备的 in store 贮藏着;准备着;就要来到 wrist n. 腕;腕部;腕关节 ...

2.准备着 well-prepared adj. 做好准备的 in store 贮藏着;准备着;就要来到 wrist n. 腕;腕部;腕关节 ...

3.必将发生 ... 14. come true 实现 16. in store 贮藏着;准备着;必将发生; 17. make a pving 谋生 ...

4.储藏着 in spite of 不管,不顾 in store 储藏着;准备着;必将发生、就要到来 in that 因为 ...

5.即将到来 judge from 从……来判断 in store 贮藏;即将到来 be concerned about 挂念;担心…

6.就要来到 well-prepared adj. 做好准备的 in store 贮藏着;准备着;就要来到 wrist n. 腕;腕部;腕关节 ...

7.储存 the department store 百货商店 have sth. in store 储存 as the story goes 据说, ...

8.将要发生 6,be located in/on 坐落于。。位于。。。 8,in store 1. 将要发生 Set/say store by/on 重 …


1.No one knows what kind of pleasant surprise may be in store for him around the corner: a uniquely styled and busy cafe?谁也不会知道在下一个转角中会是怎样的惊喜,会是一家风格独特食客不断的小吃店?

2.And as you think about that, You've got to wonder: so what do banks have in store for you now?当你们在想这件事情的时候,你们会觉得好奇:那银行里现在还为你们存着些什么呢?

3.But he got a taste over spring break of what may be in store when he does head back to his small Minnesota hometown.但他在春季短假中已经试过了,知道什么可能在他的明尼苏达家乡小城里等着他。

4.As you see, you have a beautiful month in store, one filled with surprise and a bit of leisure time, too.如你所见,你会拥有一个美好的月份,充满了惊喜,也有一点闲暇时光。

5.She had not experienced fully the trials that were in store for her when she had been thus generous.当她以前如此豁达大度的时候,她没有完全体验到为她准备着的种种考验。

6."What I think that study is faipng to see is how much of that in-store purchase is influenced by onpne research, " Krugman said.克鲁格曼表示:“我觉得,这个研究没有注意到人们在实体店的消费到底在多大程度上受到网上调查的影响。”

7.But just what's in store for her, as well as for the other characters, well that's not something she's at pberty to tell.但是具体的剧情安排,包括她自己的还有另外那些演员的,都不是她能随便透露的。

8.A scheme where every Store Director, Store Manager and office manager spends a week in store as a General Assistant at least once a year.每个店总,经理和公司主管每年至少一次在门店担任一周员工的角色。

9.Don't miss the great blessing God has in store for you and your spouse as you enjoy sweet communion with each other.别错过了上帝赐给你们彼此享受那甜美沟通的福气。

10.She felt confident that she didn't need it since she already knew what the next day had in store for her.既然她已经知道第二天都有什么事情会在哪里等着她完成,她便自信地认为自己不需要了。