





1.董事 ... ) nonexecutive director 非常务董事 ) Executive Directors 理事会执行董事 ...

3.常务理事 ... Wu,Carol 吴秀云 EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS 常务理事 Kao,Mei-Yen 高刘美燕 ...

4.执行理事会括理事会(Board of Governors)、执行理事会Executive Directors)和行长、副行长等组成的办事机构。 3.世界银行的资 …

5.位执行董事 ... 出品人:姚谦 Director:Yao,Chien 监制:庄湘怡 Executive Directors:Chuang,Hsiang-Yi ...

7.执行主席 ... 大会主席 Course Directors 执行主席 Executive Directors 学术委员会主席 Academic Committee Director…

8.常务委员 ... 连络我们 Contact Us 常务委员 Executive Directors: 中国国民党美国西南支部 K.M.T. Branch of South-West Americ…


1.However , at least once a year the Audit Committee shall meet with the external and internal auditors without executive Directors present .然而,审核委员会须最少每年一次在执行董事不在场的情况下与外聘及内部核数师举行会议。

2.Fund managers meet executive directors twice a year for an hour and expect to understand what is going on.基金经理每年与执行董事见一次面,每次见面一个小时,期望能了解公司的情况。

3.'The inclusion of these non executive directors would help prevent the company from being controlled by insides, ' Miao said.苗耕书说,引入这些非执行董事有助于防止公司被内部人士所控制。

4.The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board from amongst the Non-executive Directors of the Company.委员会成员须由董事会从本公司的非执行董事中委任。

5.The executive directors, who meet around a U-shaped table about three days a week, are meant to reach their decisions by consensus.执行董事们则打算通过一致同意来达成他们的决定,每周三天他们会在一张U型桌上碰面。

6.Its executive directors paid it no heed, and the borrowers on its books never asked for loans and did not receive them.该行的执行董事对其漠不关心,而该行账簿上的借方从未申请过贷款,也未收到过贷款。

7.Management presented the report of the Working Group to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors at an informal meeting on January 22.管理层在1月22日的一次非正式会议上向世行执董会提交了工作小组的报告。

8.ICBC will also nominate two non-executive directors to the board, one of whom would be a vice-chairman.工行还将向标准银行派驻两名非执行董事,其中一名担任副董事长。

9.I would also pke to thank the Governors and the Board of Executive Directors for their partnership in the work of the Bank.我还要感谢各位理事和执董会对世行工作所给予的合作。

10.The CEO eventually resigned, along with two other executive directors, but has vowed to continue running the company's mainland operations.中华环保的首席执行长与其他两名执行董事最终辞职,但誓言将继续运营该公司在中国内地的业务。