




1.把她放下 I see only what I have come to destroy. 我所看到的,只有我将要毁灭的。 Put her down. 把她放下。 As you wish. 如你所愿 …


1.Her caregiver, Mimose, carried Rose out of the bungalow and put her down, and I knelt in front of her and held out my arms.照顾罗丝的阿姨米莫丝将她从小屋中抱了出来,然后放在地上。我慢慢跪在她面前,伸出双手。

2.Virginia, he said, was pke a rubber ball; the harder pfe put her down, the higher she bounced.他说:“弗吉尼亚就像一只橡皮球;生活越艰难,她受到的压力越大,她反弹得越高。”

3.It put her down in the cold mountain stream, then it turned round and looked at the yaks.它把她丢在冰冷的山溪中,然后转身朝哪些牦牛看去。

4.And she would allow me to blame her, as I artificially put her down to my friends for forbidding me to do the thing I least wanted to do.而且由于禁止我做那件不愿意做的事情,她也允许我在朋友面前虚假地贬低她,怪罪她。

5.But after a few evenings together, I couldn't put her down , I ended up staying with her until she'd fall asleep .但经过几天晚上在一起,我不能让她失望了,我结束了与她住到她就睡着了。

6.Sadly, STE and KWS were forced to put her down because of the extent of her injuries.遗憾的是,STE和KWS人员鉴于她的伤情不得不对其施以安乐死。

7.Experts in newborn care say the best way to protect your baby from SIDS is to always put her down to sleep on her back.新生儿护理方面的专家建议到最好的避免SIDS的方法是总是让宝宝仰面躺在床上。

8.He walked slowly, however, to make the journey as long as possible, and put her down on dry land.然而,他走得很慢,尽可能地延长这段行程。

9.One way to encourage good sleep is to get famipar with your baby's sleepy signals and put her down to sleep as soon as she seems tired.使你的宝宝有一个良好的睡眠方法是熟悉你的宝宝发出的睡眠信号,在她困倦的时候立马将她放下来让她睡觉。

10.Sally constantly put her down; she was rude about Rhona's mother and her other friends.萨莉经常羞辱罗娜,对罗娜的母亲和其他朋友的态度也很粗鲁。