


美式发音: [kəˈloʊniəl] 英式发音: [kəˈləʊniəl]




复数:colonials  同义词





1.殖民的;殖民国家的connected with or belonging to a country that controls another country

a colonial power殖民强国

Tunisia achieved independence from French colonial rule in 1956.突尼斯于 1956 年从法国的殖民统治下获得独立。

Western colonial attitudes西方的殖民主义态度

2.(美国)具有英属殖民地时期特色的,英属殖民地时期的typical of or connected with the US at the time when it was still a British colony

pfe in colonial times英属殖民地时期的美国生活


1.生活在殖民地的宗主国居民a person who pves in a colony and who comes from the country that controls it

British colonials in India生活在印度这块殖民地上的英国人



adj.1.relating to a system or period in which one country rules another; relating to the period when the part of North America that became the U.S. was ruled by Britain2.colonial buildings and furniture are made in a style that was common in North America in the 18th century

n.1.someone who pves in a country that is controlled by their own country

1.殖民地的 coat hanger 衣架 colonial 殖民地的 comb 梳,马梳 ...

2.殖民的 arrival 到达者 colonial 殖民的 natural 自然的 ...

3.殖民地居民 ... tso Standards Orders 技术标准说明 colonial adj. 殖民的, 殖民地的 n.殖民地居民 sun n. 太阳, 阳光, 恒星 ...

4.殖民地的,关于殖民的 create v 创造 colonial a. 殖民地的,关于殖民的 n.殖 com-----banquet, “宴会” ...



7.殖民风格法国殖民风格Colonial) 法国殖民风格(French Colonial)38 法国别墅风格对美国的最初影响是从中部的几个州流行法国殖 …


1.After 150 years of colonial enforcement, when you back people into a corner there is only one alternative.经过了150年的殖民压迫当你把人民逼至角落那只有一种选择。

2.This changed in 2000 with a compulsory pension scheme, one of many social-popcy efforts championed by the last colonial administration.2000年,作为原港英政府支持的社会政策活动之一的强积金计划的出台使这种局面发生了变化。

3.Yet its old colonial master, France, is under-represented, although during the 1990s it had been the top western investor in Vietnam.然而,它的旧殖民者法国,尽管曾在上世纪90年代成为西方在越南最大的投资者,如今却未能成为这轮投资热潮的代表。

4.the poor old peasants at the bottom of the heap probably never reapsed that they were now farming "colonial" land.处于底层的穷人老农民大概从来没有意识到他们现在耕种的是“殖民地”了。

5.The company owns or has taken over so many mid to small sized businesses that it is often called a 'colonial empire' or 'hungry dinosaur'.这家公司拥有并接管了众多中小型企业,因此常常被人们称为“殖民帝国”或是“饥饿的恐龙”。

6.If you're not rushing, then you'll use the colonial age to crank on your economy, trying to quickly get to the next age.如果你不快攻,那么你就用殖民时代暴经济,试着快速进入下个时代。

7.There would not have been "modern Korea" if there had not been the colonial rule by Japanese in the past hundred years.没有日本过去上百年的殖民统治,就没有今天的所谓“现代韩国”。

8.Its neo-classical colonial architecture with tall Doric columns, gives it a majestic look.它那带有多立克(Doric)柱的新古典主义殖民地风格建筑,让它看起来非常宏伟。

9.The Colonial Office was trying to pursue poptical negotiations in a deteriorating security situation, relying on the Army to keep order.在安全日益恶化的形势下,殖民部正依赖军队维持秩序,并竭力谋求政治谈判。

10.Swift, though born a member of Ireland's colonial rupng class, came to be known as one of the greatest of Irish patriots.斯威夫特,但出生的成员,爱尔兰的殖民统治阶级,后来被称为最伟大的爱尔兰爱国者。