




1.异化读者切实感受到异国情调,便 由早期的归化翻译转变为异化翻译 (Foreignization)。 鲁迅在翻译过程中主张使译文“欧 化”.“保 …

3.异化翻译法修辞手段时,基本保留了原文的特色,采用了直译手或称异化手法(foreignization),旨在向西方国家介绍中国文化,让这些蕴涵中华 …

6.异化译法 ... ) dissimilation of legal system 法制异化 ) foreignization 异化译法 ) judiciary's apenation 法官异化 ...

7.异化策略异化派主张翻译应当采取异化策略foreignization),归化派主张翻译应当采取归化策略(domestication),两派各自为政、 …

8.洋化直译会导致译文“洋化”(foreignization),从而有助于保存原文的“风姿”,但在不能直译的地方采用直译,就会变成令人不解或 …


1.Foreignization and domestication are the main methods of cultural translation, which is an issue with endless argument in translation field.异化和归化是文化层面翻译的主要方法,也是译界久争不休的一个话题。

2.From the fourth translation boom, foreignization has begun to draw more attention that it deserves.自从第四次文学翻译高潮开始,异化翻译逐渐获得越来越多的关注。

3.In Chapter 3, the author explores how the specific skopos of this film decides the employment of domestication and foreignization.第三章作者研究了《活着》这部电影的具体翻译目的如何决定了应将归化和异化相结合。

4.lexical gap; translatabipty; translation strategy; domestication; foreignization.词汇空缺;可译性;翻译策略;归化;异化。

5.However, abuse of foreignization in translation will not help communication between powerful and less powerful cultures but harm it instead.然而,过度使用异化不仅不能有助于强弱之间的文化交流,反而会起到危害交流的作用。

6.Relating the two strategies to the aims of translation makes it clear that domestication should be preferred to foreignization.将异化、归化的方法与翻译的目的结合起来看,归化无疑是主要的;

7.The author of this paper conducts a tentative study in audio-visual translation from the angle of domestication and foreignization.本文从归化和异化的角度对影视翻译做了尝试性的探索。

8.Besides, domestication and foreignization can be subdivided according to the degree of approaching source culture or target culture.同时,归化和异化可根据接近原语和接近目的语的程度进行细分。

9.Foreignization and domestication are two different translation trends concerning the cultural phenomenon in the source language.归化与异化策略是翻译工作者对待文化翻译的两种不同倾向。

10.At last, corresponding methods have been come up with from the perspective of naturapzation and foreignization.最后作者从归化、异化角度,分别分析了三种不同对应的解决方式。