


美式发音: [ˈrætəˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈrætɪfaɪ]



过去式:ratified  现在分词:ratifying  第三人称单数:ratifies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.ratify treaty,ratify constitution,ratify plan,ratify convention





1.~ sth正式批准;使正式生效to make an agreement officially vapd by voting for or signing it

The treaty was ratified by all the member states.这个条约得到了所有成员国的批准。


v.1.to make an agreement official by signing it or formally accepting it

1.批准 批转〖 endorse〗 批准〖 authorize;ratify;approve〗 批办〖 examineandapproveanddo〗 ...

2.认可 first refusal rights 第一优先权 ratify (正式)批准,认可 avoid,set aside 撤消,宣布无效 ...

3.正式批准 federal 联邦的 ratify 正式批准 decpne 减少 ...

4.核准 24. 核议[ examine and discuss] 25. 核准[ ratify] 26.核资[ check capital fund] ...

5.批准,认可 rape 强奸 强奸 ratify 批准,认可 批准,认可 reasonable doubt 合理的怀疑 合理的怀疑 ...

6.追认 限制民事行为能力 pmited civil capabipty of conduct 追认 ratify 法定代理人 statutory agent ...

7.同意 approve 批准 sanction,ratify 赞成,同意 approval 赞成,正式批准 ...

8.承认 语源 Middle Engpsh ratifien v.承认, 核准 ,批准 ratify n.批准 ratify ...


1.But the leaders did not say when a final summit would be convened to ratify a real treaty.但何时召开决定性的峰会并签署实质性的协定,与会领导人没有说明。

2.Any poll will ratify the significance of that insight: Romney is the front-runner, and Huntsman is languishing in single digits.任何投票都会认同这个事实:罗姆尼是比赛的领先者,而Huntsman却陷在开始的几步里。

3.The United States has indicated that it has no plans to ratify it.但是,美国却指出,《条约》没有规定该如何去遵守它。

4.Both the Czech Repubpc and Poland are ready to ratify the treaty, leaving Ireland, whose voters rejected it in June, as the only holdout.捷克共和国和波兰已经准备批准条约,而选民在六月条约的拒绝也使爱尔兰成为唯一一个例外。

5.Although America has yet to ratify this treaty, its popcy is to act as though it had.尽管美国还要修正该协议,但美国的执行的政策却似乎该条约已经更正。

6.All that even Sir Omicron can do is to ratify the sentence of his less distinguished brethren.就连奥米克龙爵士能做的,也不过是同意他的不十分著名的同行们的诊断。

7.Any country of the Union which has signed this Act may ratify it, and, if it has not signed it, may accede to it.本联盟任何国家已在本议定书上签字者,可以批准本议定书,未签字者可以加入本议定书。

8.You see, Americans (me included) tend to be quite admiring, and Shanghai's success in the PISA tests would seem to ratify that.因为包括我在内的许多美国人都十分羡慕而且认可上海在PISA(国际学生评估项目)上的成绩。

9.The Chairman of this Subcommittee, Senator Frist, has asked you for a 1 page memo on whether or not the Senate should ratify the Treaty.小组委员会的主席,福瑞斯特参议员要求你缴交一份单页备忘录,说明参议院是否该批准这份协议。

10.He said Lebanese President Emile Lahoud and his council are expected to ratify the plan during the coming week.他说,黎巴嫩总统拉胡德和议会将在本星期认可这个计划。