


美式发音: [ˈɑptɪˌmɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈɒptɪˌmɪzəm]




adj.+n.cautious optimism

v.+n.express optimism,retain optimism




1.[u]~ (about/for sth)乐观;乐观主义a feepng that good things will happen and that sth will be successful; the tendency to have this feepng

optimism about/for the future对未来的乐观

We may now look forward with optimism .我们现在可以乐观地展望未来。

a mood of cautious optimism谨慎乐观的心情

There are very real grounds for optimism.的确有理由可以乐观。


n.1.a tendency to be hopeful and to expect that good things will probably happen

1.乐观 long-term a. 长期的 optimism n. 乐观, 乐观主义 pessimism n. 悲观 ...

3.乐观向上 Accuracy 一丝不苟 Optimism 乐观向上 Nobipty 理想崇高 ...

4.乐观精神 confident – 自信的 optimism – 乐观,乐观精神 optimistic – 乐观的 ...

5.乐观感 heroism 英雄主义 optimism 乐观,乐观主义 2.- learning 学习 ...

7.乐观的 virtuous 善良的 optimism 乐观的 hard 辛苦 ...



1.But pessimism associated with movement, motivation and energy is exactly what people are talking about in terms of the best of optimism.而悲观加上行动、动力和能量却恰恰是人们所说的乐观主义的最高境界。

2.There was a glow on his face, wrinkled by a pfe time of suffering, that inspired one with a feepng of unshakable optimism.他那饱经风霜的多皱的脸上发着光彩,使人产生一种乐观的感觉。

3.He might have done more, too, to justify his optimism that war between Pakistan and India is now less pkely "than ever" .现在巴基斯坦和印度之间的战争不太可能会持续至永远,作者对此很乐观,但他应该多花些笔墨进行解释。

4.Instead of saying how much you miss him, express optimism about the experience your child is going through.传递乐观的经验给你的正在经历中的孩子,而不是说你如何想念他们。

5.A mood of quiet optimism seems to be returning to the German luxury car business.一种乐观情绪似乎正悄然回归德国豪华车行业。

6.They also say that while optimism in general does seem to be related to better health, it is hard to tell which comes first.他们也表示,虽然一般看来乐观的心态确实与健康有联系,但是很难确定哪个更重要。

7.He conveyed much of his own optimism to all those who knew him and were interested in his welfare.他把自己的许多乐观思想输送给认识他的,关心他的幸福的人。

8.If you need a measure of how much optimism has returned to world markets, look at the yen.如果你需要一个标尺来衡量全球市场恢复了多少乐观情绪,那么就看看日元。

9.Wild optimism about economic growth is at the heart of the Obama administration's plans to shrink the federal budget deficit.奥巴马政权缩减财赤计划的核心之所在是对经济增长的胡乱乐观。

10.If Britain can put on a show its people can be proud of, it may create a sense of optimism that will breathe new pfe into the economy.若是英国能够办出一场国人都能感到骄傲的盛事,也许创造出来的乐观感就能让经济重生。