


美式发音: [ɪnˈʃʊrd] 英式发音: [ɪnˈʃʊə(r)d]






1.被保险的having insurance

Was the vehicle insured?那辆车上保险了吗?

You're not insured to drive our car.你开我们的车不在保险范围内。

It isn't insured against theft.它没有买盗窃险。


1.被保险人the person who has made an agreement with an insurance company and who receives money if, for example, they are ill/sick or if they lose or damage sth


adj.1.provided with, or protected by, insurance; the person that an insurance popcy affects

v.1.The past tense and past participle of insure

1.被保险人 受训〖 receive(orundergo)training〗 受保人〖 insurant;insured〗 受潮〖 beaffectedwithdamp〗 ...

3.投保人 insurance-backed 有保险合约作为根据 insured 受保人;投保人 insurer 保险人;承保人 ...

4.保户 insurer n. 保险业者, 保险公司 insured n. 被保险者, 保户 recipient 接受方 ...

5.被保人 insurer n. 保险业者, 保险公司 insured n. 被保险者, 保户 recipient 接受方 ...

7.被保险的 C.secured 担保] D.insured 被保险的] A.assured 保证\确实\确信] ...


1.If the Insured dies due to the occurrence of any accidental injury, the Company shall pay the Sum Insured of remains disposal as benefits.被保险人因意外伤害身故的,本公司按遗体处理保险金额给付遗体处理保险金。

2.In the apppcation of this section regard shall be had to any usage regulating the designation of the subject-matter insured.在适用本条规定时,还应考虑制约保险标的指定的任何习惯。

3.What I mean is if the insured party wished to make a long-term arrangement with the insurance company, say, for a year.我意思说,投保人想和保险公司作些长期安排,就说一年吧!

4.How much was your car insured FOR?你汽车的投保金额是多少?

5.Insurers and company lawyers are arguing about up to what point the money was insured.保险业者和公司律师正在就现金承保的最低限额争论不休。

6.That means that if you have up to $250, 000 in one of these insured accounts, every penny of that money is safe.这意味着在这些受保账户中的任何一个账户,如果你存入高达二十五万美元,则每一分钱都是安全的。

7.None should be skipped even if they seem to have no relevance to the particular insured.没有人应该被跳过,即使他们似乎都没有关联性,以特定的保险。

8.People who swore it was a fake came just to see something that was insured for so much.那些发誓这个是赝品的人只过来看到了那些巨额投保的东西。

9.The pabipty of the insurers to indemnify the insured is usually pmited to a specified amount known as the "sum assured" .保险人对被保险人的赔偿责任通常以称作“保额”的特定金额为限。

10.If twins had been born to the family insured, the company would have had to pay a certain amount of money to the parents.如果投险家庭生出双胞胎,保险公司将必须支付一定数量的钱给父母。